Christmas traditional colors include pine green, heart red and snow white-
colors that cast a radiant glow throughout the endless course of night
Hanukkah and winter are represented by the everlasting shades of white and blue,
gold, silver or any metallic color constitute other classic Christmas hues
The typical images comprise Baby Jesus, Bethlehem's star, and most importantly, Santa Claus
who is intimidating enough to make little children rethink all their flaws
So, far from their outlook of being the time to be jolly,
youngsters strive to redeem their every little mischief and folly
While the main winter icons are icicles, polar bears and snow flakes,
the main winter delicacies include roast turkey, cranberry sauce, and plum cake
The most prominent existing rituals surrounding the winter solstice,
is that constructed from evergreen boughs- the unavoidable tree of Christmas
The adaptation of Pagan worship of the following frosty tree,
is draped with ornaments and iridescent lights the entire world can jovially see
The popularity of holiday plants has been innate, but has hurriedly continued to grow,
as does the presence of ivy, holly, Christmas cactus and mistletoe
Wreaths are put together with ribbons and many an artificial conifer branch,
alongside garlands, with pine cones, sprays of berries, and broadleaf foliage
People embellish the town square and their respective houses throughout the wintry day,
after which the dark is lit up by glowing snowmen, lights and wooden sleighs
Whilst Christmas banners sway from every electric light implanted on the street,
stockings dangling above the fireplace are stuffed with unimaginable treats
Little children, in their haste to earn some money, take up the responsibility to sell
little Christmas gifts, such as metal angels, candy canes, candles and bells
Enchanting Christmas carols, by citizens of all ages, are sung,
beneath the resplendent ceilings of the church, from where flowing decorations are hung
In terms of festivals, Christmas is like an eagerly-awaited treasure-
one where people take a deep breath, and celebrate it with pleasure
For children, in particular, it's the most magical segment of the year,
and to Christians, and people of other religions, it is a time that is cherished and dear
Therefore, I'll finally conclude:
Christmas isn't only about the gifts, lights and food
It's about spending some time with our family, and with life-time friends,
while enmity between others is put to an abrupt end
So, I'll say to every reader who reads this-
Have a heartfelt, unforgettable Christmas!
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright
Tiger, tiger, burning bright
unable to foresee your future plight...
You were once the sovereign of the forests and lands,
the fate of helpless prey, nestled in your hands
Your fighting style portrays that you are fearless and strong,
unaccompanied, solitary, rarely traveling in a throng
The trivial animals- gaur, antelope and deer,
survey your presence with unmistakable fear
Even the most majestic creatures bowed down to your power,
whilst the feeble animals would flee or cower
Unfortunately, as your strength grows, so does man's intelligence,
which is why the rapid dwindling of numbers has sadly commenced
Tiger, tiger, burning bright
beginning to sense your current plight
With man's knowledge and affiliation towards natural medicine,
arrives the poaching of your kind- for the lush, striped skin
The teeth, bones, whiskers, that people exploit
effortlessly overwhelm a tiger's hunting skill so adroit
Ignorant people hunt you- for no meaning, just to entertain
however, while it causes them pleasure, it causes your species pain
But more than that, is the heartless destruction of your home,
for without a suitable habitat, you cannot comfortably feed or roam
With the annihilation of your domain, comes the dearth of lumber
which exposes you in the wild, thereby steadily reducing your numbers
And then, as realization hits, you inevitably know-
man, the most developed living things, are now your greatest foe
Tiger, tiger, burning bright
suffering under your present plight
Humans attempt, in vain, to redeem their irredeemable mistake,
and hence invest in various projects that they wish to undertake
So they set up wildlife sanctuaries, and countless tiger reserves,
which somehow doesn't equalize the healthy surroundings you deserve
And your population is meager, and is consistently going down
by a batch of poachers who don't mind hunting, all year around
From being the supreme superior, the fiercest one to rule,
you are kneeling before select individuals, who are plain, heartless and cruel
From being the invaluable, irreplaceable symbol of our nation,
your digits are shrinking due to man- and their quest for urbanization
Certainly, the numbers of your species have patently diminished,
but let there remain a flicker of hope- your species isn't finished
Tiger, tiger, burning bright
Struggling to survive against your persistent plight
Sunday, December 15, 2013
To My Sister...
Initially, at your arrival, I had a look of deepest, pure loathe
that gradually ebbed away as you went through the stages of growth
Certainly, I had been clueless, as to what your presence would really mean
but I was definitely sure of one thing- I would no longer be the queen
I would push you around day by day, though I'm not convinced if you can recall
but I would never leave you, or be satisfied, until you had a straight fall
Yet, you would bounce back up, twinkling, taking my jealousy with such good grace
whereas I would be scratching my head, stunned, a bewildered expression on my face
Wherever I would be loitering around the house, my whereabouts you would locate
and whatever I was doing at that particular moment, you would instantly replicate
Of course, I'm talking about a few months after your blessed birth,
when we mutually thought we were the most fascinating things ever to grace this Earth
I would survey you with glee, as around the house you began to crawl
and you would look at me in unconcealed awe, as I spoke in my american drawl
However, the second we stepped outside, my outlook would twist and turn
I became fiercely protective- my manner changing from teasing to stern
whenever you would come to pre-school, all my friends would eagerly crowd
"What an adorable baby!" they would all shout aloud
Simultaneously, my face would flood with color, I would give an incensed scowl
"Get away, that's my sister!" I would furiously howl
And you would beam around, apparently very pleased with yourself
Our relatives always say, that as a toddler, I was surprisingly alert,
and that my expressions would constantly range from a contemptuous glare,
to one rather hurt
But you, on the other hand, would always have an oblivious, warming smile,
that would reach the hearts of people beyond the proximity of a mile
You would grin contentedly as you ate, and all the more as you slept,
while I would watch admiringly, at the perfect demeanor you kept
But these events took place when you were an infant- I'm sure you can't remember
all the idiosyncrasies you found and honed, from January till December
I'm well aware- of my posting this, you are very strongly opposed
so I'll end the poem right here and now, to avoid any other rows
Thus, I'll simply say-
you've made me what I am today
that gradually ebbed away as you went through the stages of growth
Certainly, I had been clueless, as to what your presence would really mean
but I was definitely sure of one thing- I would no longer be the queen
I would push you around day by day, though I'm not convinced if you can recall
but I would never leave you, or be satisfied, until you had a straight fall
Yet, you would bounce back up, twinkling, taking my jealousy with such good grace
whereas I would be scratching my head, stunned, a bewildered expression on my face
Wherever I would be loitering around the house, my whereabouts you would locate
and whatever I was doing at that particular moment, you would instantly replicate
Of course, I'm talking about a few months after your blessed birth,
when we mutually thought we were the most fascinating things ever to grace this Earth
I would survey you with glee, as around the house you began to crawl
and you would look at me in unconcealed awe, as I spoke in my american drawl
However, the second we stepped outside, my outlook would twist and turn
I became fiercely protective- my manner changing from teasing to stern
whenever you would come to pre-school, all my friends would eagerly crowd
"What an adorable baby!" they would all shout aloud
Simultaneously, my face would flood with color, I would give an incensed scowl
"Get away, that's my sister!" I would furiously howl
And you would beam around, apparently very pleased with yourself
Our relatives always say, that as a toddler, I was surprisingly alert,
and that my expressions would constantly range from a contemptuous glare,
to one rather hurt
But you, on the other hand, would always have an oblivious, warming smile,
that would reach the hearts of people beyond the proximity of a mile
You would grin contentedly as you ate, and all the more as you slept,
while I would watch admiringly, at the perfect demeanor you kept
But these events took place when you were an infant- I'm sure you can't remember
all the idiosyncrasies you found and honed, from January till December
I'm well aware- of my posting this, you are very strongly opposed
so I'll end the poem right here and now, to avoid any other rows
Thus, I'll simply say-
you've made me what I am today
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Golden Portals
The storm was advancing, slowly but surely, carving the path of carnage. What used to be lush, green trees, was now a mangled mass of defeated timber and dry leaves. What used to be majestic lodgings, was now a torn-down fiasco of bricks, glass and cement. It was spreading its tentacles throughout the continent- dubious and lethal. Top meteorologists were at a complete loss as to how to explain its formation. But there was one thing they didn't know about, and that was the hurricane's roots. They didn't know that a similar, very similar storm had occurred, millennia ago. But most of all, they were unaware of the fact that it had resurfaced from an area billions of miles away from their home planet.
* * *
Lea carefully climbed down the tree on which she had been perched, the pleasant breeze that had sprung up in the morning was speedily transforming into a gale. There were a score of leaves tangled painfully in her hair, and she was attempting to spit out a mouthful of dirt she had encountered. Just as she was intending on never blessing the wind again, she heard a resounding crash from the bicycle shed. Moaning in dismay, Lea immediately spotted the shattered windows, with shards of glass flying in every direction. Mystified, she realized that it was the wind that had fragmented the windows.
Advancing cautiously, and wincing occasionally whenever her leg came in contact with a glass splinter, she sighed in relief once she saw that her bicycle hadn't met with the same fate.
But when she looked up, she saw something that instantly caught her eye. In the distance- a hovering column of vibrating air, which didn't seem to be moving, but was enlarging with every passing second. Mouth going very dry, she gazed at it in disbelief. It was undoubtedly the storm that was invading the news channel. had last been sighted in the inconspicuous town Pleuvoir, a thousand miles from hers, only yesterday. It was impossible that a storm could have traveled so abnormally fast. Maybe there were two or three of them....
Lea was certain there weren't two or three of them.
Abandoning all precautions, it took Lea one more minute to make the most reckless decision she had ever made in her life.
Lea was heading towards the storm, gripping the bicycle handles- stopping her blood circulation, and pedaling furiously. Her legs were struggling against the persistent wind, and her face was pale with exhaustion. The gale was putting up a terrific fight, and it took the combination of Lea's willpower and curiosity to battle it. She had heard about the storm from her brother, a meteorology student, but had never realized that it was of such a sheer magnitude. It was only when she rounded the corner, did she hear it. The sound of the twister, louder than a thousand landslides, hurtling in her direction. Then she saw it- the gigantic column of air she had witnessed earlier.
Paralyzed with fear, it all came crashing down on her. She had meant to ride parallel to it, but instead she had been hurrying towards it.
And it was so high- it seemed limitless, eternal. But that didn't diminish its velocity. It was rushing towards Lea at an incredible speed, a horrifying one.
It took a minute for Lea to properly register her current plight, but once she did, she turned her bicycle, with great difficulty, away from the rotating mass.
However, this time the air was on her side. It pushed at her relentlessly, thereby increasing the distance between her and the rotating mass. But knowing that she only had seconds to spare, she carefully deviated from her route, and the force sent her sprawling haphazardly on the freshly mowed grass of someone's lawn.
Unfortunately, she still wasn't completely out of range, so she noticed perceptible ocher specks shooting out of the storm, like molten gold, against the motes of dust. One flick invariably reached her cheek, and the impact sent her once more, flaying headfirst into the soft grass. She felt it penetrate through her skin, and the sensation of it flowing through her bloodstream. It disoriented her, but simultaneously, she could feel the rush of adrenaline sharpening her senses.
Without further ado, but completely unnerved, she found her way back to her bungalow, which was mercifully, left untouched.
The second Lea stumbled into her house, she found her brother, Tim, carrying a stash of papers, and muttering feverishly to himself.
"What's the matter," she asked him concernedly, closing the door carefully behind her.
"What?" he asked distractedly. "Oh, it's our department. It's unable to explain this storm. Just a second, let me show you." He extracted an old, crinkly sheet of paper from the towering pile, and read it aloud to his sister, who was feigning interest. He cleared his throat and began.
"Studies say that meteorologists couldn't explain or confirm the birth and formation of the tempest. It appears to resemble a tornadic thunderstorm, but the rotating updraft that produces the tornado isn't extending into the main body of a cloud."
He put the sheet down, looking agitated.
"And, observers reported that there was never any cloud proximal to the twister. The direction of rotation of the swirling air is erratic, and its path of movement untraceable, and utterly unpredictable. Topped with that, the force with which it strikes land is phenomenal.
And the most disagreeable part- it's headed straight towards our town."
Lea grimaced at the end of Tim's professional speech.
"Well... does it seem to emit anything?" she asked him hopefully.
"No, of course not," he replied, suddenly dismissive. His expression turned stern.
"Why would you ask?"
Feeling it best not to answer, Lea hurried to her room, slamming the door. The first she noticed was how dark it was. It was early evening, yet there wasn't even a celestial glow of light. The power lines were down, unsurprisingly, and the temperature was dropping continuously. The wind sounded like a symphony of agonized ghosts, rattling and shaking the window panes, as though craving the warmth.
All of a sudden, in her yard, she perceived a deafening sound- like a meteor had struck the land. She peered outside, and with a thrill of horror, saw the disfigured remnants of her old tree.
Tripping backwards, she sprinted to her door to warn Tim, with the gale overwhelming her, weakening her.
The door wouldn't budge.
The blowing wind was too dominant.
Lea could feel the golden spark flowing through her systems, sending through jitters, evoking shivers.
Defeated, she tripped into her bed, and curled up under the covers. A violent flash of lightning illuminated her surroundings for approximately five seconds.
Shocked by the destruction, she shut her eyes tightly, to avoid any more despair. She could sense another flare of lightning. She saw it shine beneath her eyelids... there was still no thunder.
She waited in vain, for the storm to cease.
It didn't. If anything, it exacerbated. It became twice as chilly, twice as windy, and twice as uncontrollable. Finally, gathering up all the courage she could muster, she reluctantly opened her eyes.
But she wasn't in her room anymore.
* * *
Lea could only see... black. Everywhere in every direction she craned her stiff neck. Yet, she could tell, intuitively, that she wasn't on Earth. She wasn't aware of much-it was all too much too absorb- but she did know that she was seizing something so securely, she felt as though her blood vessels would burst from the pressure. Whatever she was gripping was draining her energy, her warmth, and whatever feeble courage that had been instilled in her.
Her feelings were extreme- her terror, confusion, helplessness and hopelessness had all been multiplies exponentially. Never before, had Lea experienced emotions of such immensity. Shivering, chilled to the bone, but feeling slightly feverish concurrently, she clutched at the rough, icy piece of rock like her lifeline. The force of the wind was astronomical, incompatible- instead of lightly whipping through her hair, it felt like it was parting it from her scalp. Opening her eyes was excruciating, but closing them unbearable. She yearned for warmth, but it was out of reach.
Time passed.
Lea finally moderately adapted to her surroundings- she could blink without wincing, and breathe without coughing. She began to think rationally.
She hadn't landed herself into an illusion- the strength of her emotions took care of that train of thought. Her burning eyes could, at long last, focus considerably on specks in the distance.
But she still couldn't bring herself to loosen her hold- her fear of being tossed around like a paper bag in the cosmos ensured that.
Instead, she found herself staring at a pale blue dot, millions of miles away. Something stirred inside her at its sight... nostalgia, perhaps?
In the time it took to outrun a snail, Lea realized what she was staring at.
It was her home planet.
But if that was Earth... then what was she clinging so desperately to?
For the second time, curiosity won over fear. Gathering up all the valor she possessed, she daringly turned around.
She nearly blacked out at what she saw.
She could see a shade of brownish-gold, only brownish-gold. The color was blindingly bright, but what stunned her the most was its enormity. It extended endlessly in all directions, like an inexhaustible stretch of sand. The majority of her awe, however, was reserved for what lay beyond.
A massive, gigantic ball of yellow gas. Under the translucent barrier that shrouded the central body, she could detect an immense storm brewing. All the same, the hues remained intriguing.
Now that her breathing had slowed down, she could feel the centrifugal force pulling her, as though determined to sever her from the lifeline she was clutching to.
Out of the blue, her brother's monotonous seminars came flooding back to her.
"Saturn's rings are of a luminous brown, and the main body takes on a beautiful, pale yellow with hints of orange. With a more powerful telescope, you can see subtle cloud layers, churning storms blending orange and white together."
Fighting for breath, she could finally discern her location and predicament. She had landed herself on Saturn, and was grasping the serrated, extreme edge of one of its rings.
She remembered how she had once found Tim's interests in planets contagious. Without meaning to, she had researched about all of Saturn's rings. She could still recall their names- D ring, A ring, Pallene ring, Phoebe ring, Janus ring...
She was stranded all because of that golden spark that she had hastily ran herself into. She was on the planet that had never been visited by manmade probes, untouched by human influence. She was on the planet from which the Sun looked like a wavering white speck, and from which she could view Jupiter's giant red spot, like a minute drop of blood.
Frightened out of her wits, but inspired at the same time, she dwelled upon how it was Tim's aspiration and dream to be one of the first to set foot on Saturn.
And here she was... unappreciative of her seeming quandary, which may actually prove to be a blessing in disguise.
At that point of time, she wanted nothing more, than for Tim to be with her.
The solitude was becoming unendurable. Wheezing from dehydration, she whimpered miserably.
She was alone, her house was miles away, she was completely ill-equipped to deal with the situation, and she knew that she was letting such a special opportunity slip through her fingers. For the thousandth time, she wondered as to how she was able to breathe...
Once again, time passed, astonishingly slow.
She could here Tim's hoarse voice miraculously close, echoing through the void. He had found her, somehow, as though answering her unspoken plea.
"Lea, look up."
She obeyed silently. Then, amazingly, she saw her brother's form, shimmering tantalizingly above her. The apparition wasn't solid, but it was still dauntingly close.
"Lea, come on!"
Come where? There was nowhere to go, unless he meant entering the depths of the planet before them.
"Lea, we have to go to the basement!"
The basement? She had thought the basement was lying alone somewhere in that pale blue dot she spotted in the distance.
"LEA. Let go!"
Though she had reservations about fulfilling that requirement, she gave a sigh of defeat, and promptly loosened her grip from the icy surface of Saturn's rings.
It was the second time she didn't find herself in the same location as the previous.
* * *
Lea heard the distinct growl of the thunderstorm... back on Earth. She heard the faint rattling of her furniture, and she could feel the vibrations of her floor. There came another gleam of lightning.
Startled out of her mind, she clambered up. She noticed that she had been gripping the foot of her bed so tightly, her hands were raw, and her fingers felt frayed.
Her brother was panting at the door, motioning her to follow him. Looking out of her cracked window, at the devastation that lay beyond it, she submissively trailed behind him. They were silent until they reached the safety of their basement.
Turning towards her, Tim spoke sharply. "Tell me exactly what happened."
Lea had just realized that she had only been away for a few minutes, and that she had spotted the storm a few short hours ago.
"Well... I saw the storm hovering several miles from our house, and I got curious. So... I followed it and somehow landed on Saturn."
It sounded ridiculous even when she said it.
Tim, however, looked at her oddly. "Did you know that you hadn't gone anywhere? You had turned rigid and frozen, with a faraway look in your eyes, you weren't responding to my questions, but you were definitely there."
By then, Lea was ashamed of her superficial explanation.
"Tim," she continued. "When I came close to the storm, I observed golden sparks being emitted. One was absorbed by my skin, and after that, I found myself gripping the edges of a ring of Saturn."
Tim was staring at her so intently, it was becoming uncomfortable.
At long last, he moved towards his stack of meteorology notes. He extricated a sheet that was buried at the bottom of the pile, and straightened it out. He studied it for an unbelievably long time.
Instead of relaxing, Lea could feel more nervous energy pouring into her, and was becoming more alert with every word her brother read.
Could her detour have been an illusion? It seemed unlikely. The power of her emotions, the wind, the temperature, the vivid colors, and the pale blue dot- it had all seemed crystal clear.
Tim eventually cleared his throat.
"Lea, these papers are severely restricted to any prying eyes, and only my laboratory, which comprises of about a hundred people, know about this."
For once, Lea didn't brace herself for another tedious lecture.
"In 301 AD, a storm very similar to the one that is striking right now, had occurred. Both the storms' movement, magnitude and unpredictability match precisely, but there is one difference."
He looked at her cautiously.
"You said that the storm had given out golden sparks. However, the storm at that time had emitted blue sparks. And, anyone who came in contact with the 'liquid sapphire', had found themselves stranded on the surface of Neptune."
Finally, finally, events were beginning to fall into place. Her brother continued.
"But, they weren't transported to Neptune. Only their subconscious had traveled to Neptune. Their body, however, remained on Earth, in the midst of the storm..."
He stopped abruptly, and then spoke directly to her.
"....and I think that's exactly what had happened to you."
Lea sighed in relief. Yes... that was exactly what had happened to her. Everything fit perfectly, like a jigsaw. Despite that, there was still one more thing troubling her...
"Tim," she began. "It was certainly... terrifying, but that wasn't the worst part. You've always wanted to be one of the first to explore Saturn- I was given the perfect chance, and I let it while away. I'm sure I won't get another opportunity like that again."
But, to Lea's intense surprise, her brother didn't appear disappointed. On the contrary, his eyes were glowing, and he was shaking with anticipation.
"Lea," he choked. "Let's go follow the storm. It's still in close range, and I simply have to go. But I'm not going to go alone."
His eyes glinted with excitement. "I need a guide with experience."
Lea didn't spend any time making up her mind- her decision was already made.
"Let's go, then!" she shrieked.
The siblings rushed to the bicycle shed, with its shattered window, and pulled out their respective cycles. Lea's mind was more determined than it had ever been in her entire life.
"Let's go chase this storm," she heard her brother say. His expression mirrored hers flawlessly. "Let's seize this golden opportunity."
Leaving everything behind, they pedaled towards the rotating, lethal storm, in search of those golden portals, which could change her brother's life.
* * *
Lea carefully climbed down the tree on which she had been perched, the pleasant breeze that had sprung up in the morning was speedily transforming into a gale. There were a score of leaves tangled painfully in her hair, and she was attempting to spit out a mouthful of dirt she had encountered. Just as she was intending on never blessing the wind again, she heard a resounding crash from the bicycle shed. Moaning in dismay, Lea immediately spotted the shattered windows, with shards of glass flying in every direction. Mystified, she realized that it was the wind that had fragmented the windows.
Advancing cautiously, and wincing occasionally whenever her leg came in contact with a glass splinter, she sighed in relief once she saw that her bicycle hadn't met with the same fate.
But when she looked up, she saw something that instantly caught her eye. In the distance- a hovering column of vibrating air, which didn't seem to be moving, but was enlarging with every passing second. Mouth going very dry, she gazed at it in disbelief. It was undoubtedly the storm that was invading the news channel. had last been sighted in the inconspicuous town Pleuvoir, a thousand miles from hers, only yesterday. It was impossible that a storm could have traveled so abnormally fast. Maybe there were two or three of them....
Lea was certain there weren't two or three of them.
Abandoning all precautions, it took Lea one more minute to make the most reckless decision she had ever made in her life.
Lea was heading towards the storm, gripping the bicycle handles- stopping her blood circulation, and pedaling furiously. Her legs were struggling against the persistent wind, and her face was pale with exhaustion. The gale was putting up a terrific fight, and it took the combination of Lea's willpower and curiosity to battle it. She had heard about the storm from her brother, a meteorology student, but had never realized that it was of such a sheer magnitude. It was only when she rounded the corner, did she hear it. The sound of the twister, louder than a thousand landslides, hurtling in her direction. Then she saw it- the gigantic column of air she had witnessed earlier.
Paralyzed with fear, it all came crashing down on her. She had meant to ride parallel to it, but instead she had been hurrying towards it.
And it was so high- it seemed limitless, eternal. But that didn't diminish its velocity. It was rushing towards Lea at an incredible speed, a horrifying one.
It took a minute for Lea to properly register her current plight, but once she did, she turned her bicycle, with great difficulty, away from the rotating mass.
However, this time the air was on her side. It pushed at her relentlessly, thereby increasing the distance between her and the rotating mass. But knowing that she only had seconds to spare, she carefully deviated from her route, and the force sent her sprawling haphazardly on the freshly mowed grass of someone's lawn.
Unfortunately, she still wasn't completely out of range, so she noticed perceptible ocher specks shooting out of the storm, like molten gold, against the motes of dust. One flick invariably reached her cheek, and the impact sent her once more, flaying headfirst into the soft grass. She felt it penetrate through her skin, and the sensation of it flowing through her bloodstream. It disoriented her, but simultaneously, she could feel the rush of adrenaline sharpening her senses.
Without further ado, but completely unnerved, she found her way back to her bungalow, which was mercifully, left untouched.
The second Lea stumbled into her house, she found her brother, Tim, carrying a stash of papers, and muttering feverishly to himself.
"What's the matter," she asked him concernedly, closing the door carefully behind her.
"What?" he asked distractedly. "Oh, it's our department. It's unable to explain this storm. Just a second, let me show you." He extracted an old, crinkly sheet of paper from the towering pile, and read it aloud to his sister, who was feigning interest. He cleared his throat and began.
"Studies say that meteorologists couldn't explain or confirm the birth and formation of the tempest. It appears to resemble a tornadic thunderstorm, but the rotating updraft that produces the tornado isn't extending into the main body of a cloud."
He put the sheet down, looking agitated.
"And, observers reported that there was never any cloud proximal to the twister. The direction of rotation of the swirling air is erratic, and its path of movement untraceable, and utterly unpredictable. Topped with that, the force with which it strikes land is phenomenal.
And the most disagreeable part- it's headed straight towards our town."
Lea grimaced at the end of Tim's professional speech.
"Well... does it seem to emit anything?" she asked him hopefully.
"No, of course not," he replied, suddenly dismissive. His expression turned stern.
"Why would you ask?"
Feeling it best not to answer, Lea hurried to her room, slamming the door. The first she noticed was how dark it was. It was early evening, yet there wasn't even a celestial glow of light. The power lines were down, unsurprisingly, and the temperature was dropping continuously. The wind sounded like a symphony of agonized ghosts, rattling and shaking the window panes, as though craving the warmth.
All of a sudden, in her yard, she perceived a deafening sound- like a meteor had struck the land. She peered outside, and with a thrill of horror, saw the disfigured remnants of her old tree.
Tripping backwards, she sprinted to her door to warn Tim, with the gale overwhelming her, weakening her.
The door wouldn't budge.
The blowing wind was too dominant.
Lea could feel the golden spark flowing through her systems, sending through jitters, evoking shivers.
Defeated, she tripped into her bed, and curled up under the covers. A violent flash of lightning illuminated her surroundings for approximately five seconds.
Shocked by the destruction, she shut her eyes tightly, to avoid any more despair. She could sense another flare of lightning. She saw it shine beneath her eyelids... there was still no thunder.
She waited in vain, for the storm to cease.
It didn't. If anything, it exacerbated. It became twice as chilly, twice as windy, and twice as uncontrollable. Finally, gathering up all the courage she could muster, she reluctantly opened her eyes.
But she wasn't in her room anymore.
* * *
Lea could only see... black. Everywhere in every direction she craned her stiff neck. Yet, she could tell, intuitively, that she wasn't on Earth. She wasn't aware of much-it was all too much too absorb- but she did know that she was seizing something so securely, she felt as though her blood vessels would burst from the pressure. Whatever she was gripping was draining her energy, her warmth, and whatever feeble courage that had been instilled in her.
Her feelings were extreme- her terror, confusion, helplessness and hopelessness had all been multiplies exponentially. Never before, had Lea experienced emotions of such immensity. Shivering, chilled to the bone, but feeling slightly feverish concurrently, she clutched at the rough, icy piece of rock like her lifeline. The force of the wind was astronomical, incompatible- instead of lightly whipping through her hair, it felt like it was parting it from her scalp. Opening her eyes was excruciating, but closing them unbearable. She yearned for warmth, but it was out of reach.
Time passed.
Lea finally moderately adapted to her surroundings- she could blink without wincing, and breathe without coughing. She began to think rationally.
She hadn't landed herself into an illusion- the strength of her emotions took care of that train of thought. Her burning eyes could, at long last, focus considerably on specks in the distance.
But she still couldn't bring herself to loosen her hold- her fear of being tossed around like a paper bag in the cosmos ensured that.
Instead, she found herself staring at a pale blue dot, millions of miles away. Something stirred inside her at its sight... nostalgia, perhaps?
In the time it took to outrun a snail, Lea realized what she was staring at.
It was her home planet.
But if that was Earth... then what was she clinging so desperately to?
For the second time, curiosity won over fear. Gathering up all the valor she possessed, she daringly turned around.
She nearly blacked out at what she saw.
She could see a shade of brownish-gold, only brownish-gold. The color was blindingly bright, but what stunned her the most was its enormity. It extended endlessly in all directions, like an inexhaustible stretch of sand. The majority of her awe, however, was reserved for what lay beyond.
A massive, gigantic ball of yellow gas. Under the translucent barrier that shrouded the central body, she could detect an immense storm brewing. All the same, the hues remained intriguing.
Now that her breathing had slowed down, she could feel the centrifugal force pulling her, as though determined to sever her from the lifeline she was clutching to.
Out of the blue, her brother's monotonous seminars came flooding back to her.
"Saturn's rings are of a luminous brown, and the main body takes on a beautiful, pale yellow with hints of orange. With a more powerful telescope, you can see subtle cloud layers, churning storms blending orange and white together."
Fighting for breath, she could finally discern her location and predicament. She had landed herself on Saturn, and was grasping the serrated, extreme edge of one of its rings.
She remembered how she had once found Tim's interests in planets contagious. Without meaning to, she had researched about all of Saturn's rings. She could still recall their names- D ring, A ring, Pallene ring, Phoebe ring, Janus ring...
She was stranded all because of that golden spark that she had hastily ran herself into. She was on the planet that had never been visited by manmade probes, untouched by human influence. She was on the planet from which the Sun looked like a wavering white speck, and from which she could view Jupiter's giant red spot, like a minute drop of blood.
Frightened out of her wits, but inspired at the same time, she dwelled upon how it was Tim's aspiration and dream to be one of the first to set foot on Saturn.
And here she was... unappreciative of her seeming quandary, which may actually prove to be a blessing in disguise.
At that point of time, she wanted nothing more, than for Tim to be with her.
The solitude was becoming unendurable. Wheezing from dehydration, she whimpered miserably.
She was alone, her house was miles away, she was completely ill-equipped to deal with the situation, and she knew that she was letting such a special opportunity slip through her fingers. For the thousandth time, she wondered as to how she was able to breathe...
Once again, time passed, astonishingly slow.
She could here Tim's hoarse voice miraculously close, echoing through the void. He had found her, somehow, as though answering her unspoken plea.
"Lea, look up."
She obeyed silently. Then, amazingly, she saw her brother's form, shimmering tantalizingly above her. The apparition wasn't solid, but it was still dauntingly close.
"Lea, come on!"
Come where? There was nowhere to go, unless he meant entering the depths of the planet before them.
"Lea, we have to go to the basement!"
The basement? She had thought the basement was lying alone somewhere in that pale blue dot she spotted in the distance.
"LEA. Let go!"
Though she had reservations about fulfilling that requirement, she gave a sigh of defeat, and promptly loosened her grip from the icy surface of Saturn's rings.
It was the second time she didn't find herself in the same location as the previous.
* * *
Lea heard the distinct growl of the thunderstorm... back on Earth. She heard the faint rattling of her furniture, and she could feel the vibrations of her floor. There came another gleam of lightning.
Startled out of her mind, she clambered up. She noticed that she had been gripping the foot of her bed so tightly, her hands were raw, and her fingers felt frayed.
Her brother was panting at the door, motioning her to follow him. Looking out of her cracked window, at the devastation that lay beyond it, she submissively trailed behind him. They were silent until they reached the safety of their basement.
Turning towards her, Tim spoke sharply. "Tell me exactly what happened."
Lea had just realized that she had only been away for a few minutes, and that she had spotted the storm a few short hours ago.
"Well... I saw the storm hovering several miles from our house, and I got curious. So... I followed it and somehow landed on Saturn."
It sounded ridiculous even when she said it.
Tim, however, looked at her oddly. "Did you know that you hadn't gone anywhere? You had turned rigid and frozen, with a faraway look in your eyes, you weren't responding to my questions, but you were definitely there."
By then, Lea was ashamed of her superficial explanation.
"Tim," she continued. "When I came close to the storm, I observed golden sparks being emitted. One was absorbed by my skin, and after that, I found myself gripping the edges of a ring of Saturn."
Tim was staring at her so intently, it was becoming uncomfortable.
At long last, he moved towards his stack of meteorology notes. He extricated a sheet that was buried at the bottom of the pile, and straightened it out. He studied it for an unbelievably long time.
Instead of relaxing, Lea could feel more nervous energy pouring into her, and was becoming more alert with every word her brother read.
Could her detour have been an illusion? It seemed unlikely. The power of her emotions, the wind, the temperature, the vivid colors, and the pale blue dot- it had all seemed crystal clear.
Tim eventually cleared his throat.
"Lea, these papers are severely restricted to any prying eyes, and only my laboratory, which comprises of about a hundred people, know about this."
For once, Lea didn't brace herself for another tedious lecture.
"In 301 AD, a storm very similar to the one that is striking right now, had occurred. Both the storms' movement, magnitude and unpredictability match precisely, but there is one difference."
He looked at her cautiously.
"You said that the storm had given out golden sparks. However, the storm at that time had emitted blue sparks. And, anyone who came in contact with the 'liquid sapphire', had found themselves stranded on the surface of Neptune."
Finally, finally, events were beginning to fall into place. Her brother continued.
"But, they weren't transported to Neptune. Only their subconscious had traveled to Neptune. Their body, however, remained on Earth, in the midst of the storm..."
He stopped abruptly, and then spoke directly to her.
"....and I think that's exactly what had happened to you."
Lea sighed in relief. Yes... that was exactly what had happened to her. Everything fit perfectly, like a jigsaw. Despite that, there was still one more thing troubling her...
"Tim," she began. "It was certainly... terrifying, but that wasn't the worst part. You've always wanted to be one of the first to explore Saturn- I was given the perfect chance, and I let it while away. I'm sure I won't get another opportunity like that again."
But, to Lea's intense surprise, her brother didn't appear disappointed. On the contrary, his eyes were glowing, and he was shaking with anticipation.
"Lea," he choked. "Let's go follow the storm. It's still in close range, and I simply have to go. But I'm not going to go alone."
His eyes glinted with excitement. "I need a guide with experience."
Lea didn't spend any time making up her mind- her decision was already made.
"Let's go, then!" she shrieked.
The siblings rushed to the bicycle shed, with its shattered window, and pulled out their respective cycles. Lea's mind was more determined than it had ever been in her entire life.
"Let's go chase this storm," she heard her brother say. His expression mirrored hers flawlessly. "Let's seize this golden opportunity."
Leaving everything behind, they pedaled towards the rotating, lethal storm, in search of those golden portals, which could change her brother's life.
Friday, November 15, 2013
An Experience
I was
walking over the icy sheets of the north. I was chilled by the gusts, numbed by
the frost, and stunned by the solitude. The temperature was dropping steadily,
and no layers of coats were able to warm me. I looked up in despair and closed
my eyes. Then suddenly I saw the enchanting colours blazing in the sky. I
looked up with unconcealed awe at the swaying hues above me. Only one thought came to my mind: The Northern Lights. I drew myself up as I gazed at
the shifts and flows of the dancing Auroras, in dazzling shades of sapphire
blue and violet. Though there was no improvement in the weather, the lights
seemed to emit a fiery glow that instantly encased me in its warmth. I thought about how
fortunate I was to be able to witness this unearthly apparition, and how the
isolation was actually a blessing in disguise. The auroras would have lost its
charm if there were a hundred others gaping at it along with me. Time lost its
meaning as I continued to stare at the haunting tints spread out like a kaleidoscopic
curtain before me. I could have been rooted for hours, or days, or even years. It
was only at this entrancing phenomenon’s conclusion did I come back with a start.
The night was frozen, but somehow, the
Earth appeared to have inherited a bit of the beauty that this aesthetic show
had provided.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
The Noon Moon
I looked up from my demanding books, one lifeless summer noon
with formulae floating around my head, and praying for a distraction soon
But next, in the sunny sky, I saw the strangest sight
(an apparition I witness only from the darkening evening till night)
Brimming with wonder, I craned my head; at the yellow sky I had squint
it was then did my curious eyes catch the slightest, steely glint
I jumped up from my table, rushed to the balcony, and pushed open the rusted door
and came across the queerest vision I had never seen before
An eerie gray mass- perhaps a sphere- against the blinding sky it hovered
my head throbbing from the incredulity of what I had just discovered
Sadly, as for my ephemeral discovery, it had been very skillfully shroud
by a truly aggravating, refusing-to-move, fluffy, marshmallow cloud
My mind began to soar to all those story books I had read
so could this strange mass possibly be a pendulum suspended by a thread?
Could it be a well concealed bob, flawless in disguise,
fashioned by an evil spirit- so that mankind is hypnotized?
Or could it be a nocturnal comet, housing ice, dust and grime,
a chunk of rock so peculiar it was frozen in the depths of time?
Or perhaps a spectral, extraterrestrial, critter
ready to mystify humans, by venting out feelings so bitter
In a trice, there promptly blew a powerful, gusty breeze
instantly whipping through my hair, instantly jingling my keys
I stared in awe as those insulting clouds gracefully began to part
It was dull gray against blazing white, it was a splendid work of art
The glaring sun had reached its peak, it began to elicit tears
but that was when I could view the mass, all too very clear
I could vividly see pits and depression- I didn't know which was greater
and hollows, and pockets, and crater after crater
Crater after crater....
I can now very proudly say, that I am the very first girl
to have seen what no one has ever seen- no one in the entire world
What I had unintentionally seen on that stifling summer noon,
had been- you'll never guess!- it had been the moon
with formulae floating around my head, and praying for a distraction soon
But next, in the sunny sky, I saw the strangest sight
(an apparition I witness only from the darkening evening till night)
Brimming with wonder, I craned my head; at the yellow sky I had squint
it was then did my curious eyes catch the slightest, steely glint
I jumped up from my table, rushed to the balcony, and pushed open the rusted door
and came across the queerest vision I had never seen before
An eerie gray mass- perhaps a sphere- against the blinding sky it hovered
my head throbbing from the incredulity of what I had just discovered
Sadly, as for my ephemeral discovery, it had been very skillfully shroud
by a truly aggravating, refusing-to-move, fluffy, marshmallow cloud
My mind began to soar to all those story books I had read
so could this strange mass possibly be a pendulum suspended by a thread?
Could it be a well concealed bob, flawless in disguise,
fashioned by an evil spirit- so that mankind is hypnotized?
Or could it be a nocturnal comet, housing ice, dust and grime,
a chunk of rock so peculiar it was frozen in the depths of time?
Or perhaps a spectral, extraterrestrial, critter
ready to mystify humans, by venting out feelings so bitter
In a trice, there promptly blew a powerful, gusty breeze
instantly whipping through my hair, instantly jingling my keys
I stared in awe as those insulting clouds gracefully began to part
It was dull gray against blazing white, it was a splendid work of art
The glaring sun had reached its peak, it began to elicit tears
but that was when I could view the mass, all too very clear
I could vividly see pits and depression- I didn't know which was greater
and hollows, and pockets, and crater after crater
Crater after crater....
I can now very proudly say, that I am the very first girl
to have seen what no one has ever seen- no one in the entire world
What I had unintentionally seen on that stifling summer noon,
had been- you'll never guess!- it had been the moon
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Purple and Green
I was wandering through the dark, the darkness so black that every nerve that didn't feel frayed, prayed that I hadn't gone blind. I turned in all possible directions, looking for the source of a spark, however faint, that may lead me out. I groped unknowingly with trembling hands, but all I could feel was the rough surface of a rugged wall. There was a heavy scent in the air, a suffocating one, saturating my nostrils until I could smell no more. The walls and floor were wet and sticky- it felt like I was plundering through quicksand. I cursed myself repeatedly for having fallen for such a predictable trick.
That woman had known what I had been searching so relentlessly for. She had seemed a trustworthy, charming lady at that time, with truly penetrating green eyes. When she had finally wormed it out of me, she had motioned her piercing fingernails towards the west, and had told me that no matter how unappealing the situation, I must jump. Her vague instructions made sense when I reached the western coast. A reluctance for water and swimming was something innate, a trait I couldn't help. Bad memories came flooding towards me as I stared warily at the churning, purple waves. But... that woman wouldn't lie to me. She could have probably sensed my desperation, my restlessness, my thirst to reach the unreachable. I could vividly recall the excruciating icy plunge, the unforgettable feeling of drowning and imminent death, and then landing face-first on a hard sticky surface,
I continued stumbling, trying to block out stubborn thoughts about the woman. I had no clue where I was, which planet I was in, or if this was a misapprehension. There had been something unnatural about those purple waters, a distinct eerie quality coupled to it. I was on the verge of launching into hysteric panic. but my mind- numb and unconscious- kept projecting ONE image into vision. My piano- my archaic, wooden , majestic piano.
Some part of me intuitively knew, that my escape was inevitably linked to music. But how? How could this damp, terrifying abode be linked to music? A key, a silver one, would have made more sense.Or perhaps a door.
Time had absolutely no meaning. The walls weren't parallel, so I didn't seem to be stranded in a corridor. I didn't seem to be in a relatively massive room either, since I only needed to trip over a few steps before coming in contact with another spiky wall.
Just as my mind was jumping to the sorry conclusion that this was simply an illusion that the woman had conjured, to put my unwavering determination to find it in perspective, I heard it. Piano pieces I had learnt and played before to break my silent vigil. But they weren't random. They all possessed a certain link that I effortlessly identified. As though in a trance, I followed the faint hammering of keys. My lack of need of vision seemed to have amplified my ability to hear. I lightly closed my eyes.
I could detect a bright purple light from beneath my eyelids. My escape route seemed to radiate it. Claustrophobia was closing in on me, so I began running, sprinting.
I cautiously opened my eyes, but I didn't dare look at the light. I could hear my feet pounding against the ground, and my hoarse breathing. The sudden burst of light placed my immediate surroundings into sharp focus. With a wave a nausea, I realized that the walls and floor were red... sticky....
I shut my eyes impulsively, and focused on the music instead. It was getting louder and clearer with every leap, until it felt so very close- I could have been playing it myself. I could recognize each note, each pitch without any hesitation. I reached out with quivering arms, and felt my piano. I valiantly opened my eyes once more, and caught a short glimpse of who was playing it. I gasped aloud.
Without any warning, my head broke the surface. I was oblivious to the frothy, billowing waves, but I now knew who had what I needed. I could see those crystal clear green eyes flashing before me.
That woman had known what I had been searching so relentlessly for. She had seemed a trustworthy, charming lady at that time, with truly penetrating green eyes. When she had finally wormed it out of me, she had motioned her piercing fingernails towards the west, and had told me that no matter how unappealing the situation, I must jump. Her vague instructions made sense when I reached the western coast. A reluctance for water and swimming was something innate, a trait I couldn't help. Bad memories came flooding towards me as I stared warily at the churning, purple waves. But... that woman wouldn't lie to me. She could have probably sensed my desperation, my restlessness, my thirst to reach the unreachable. I could vividly recall the excruciating icy plunge, the unforgettable feeling of drowning and imminent death, and then landing face-first on a hard sticky surface,
I continued stumbling, trying to block out stubborn thoughts about the woman. I had no clue where I was, which planet I was in, or if this was a misapprehension. There had been something unnatural about those purple waters, a distinct eerie quality coupled to it. I was on the verge of launching into hysteric panic. but my mind- numb and unconscious- kept projecting ONE image into vision. My piano- my archaic, wooden , majestic piano.
Some part of me intuitively knew, that my escape was inevitably linked to music. But how? How could this damp, terrifying abode be linked to music? A key, a silver one, would have made more sense.Or perhaps a door.
Time had absolutely no meaning. The walls weren't parallel, so I didn't seem to be stranded in a corridor. I didn't seem to be in a relatively massive room either, since I only needed to trip over a few steps before coming in contact with another spiky wall.
Just as my mind was jumping to the sorry conclusion that this was simply an illusion that the woman had conjured, to put my unwavering determination to find it in perspective, I heard it. Piano pieces I had learnt and played before to break my silent vigil. But they weren't random. They all possessed a certain link that I effortlessly identified. As though in a trance, I followed the faint hammering of keys. My lack of need of vision seemed to have amplified my ability to hear. I lightly closed my eyes.
I could detect a bright purple light from beneath my eyelids. My escape route seemed to radiate it. Claustrophobia was closing in on me, so I began running, sprinting.
I cautiously opened my eyes, but I didn't dare look at the light. I could hear my feet pounding against the ground, and my hoarse breathing. The sudden burst of light placed my immediate surroundings into sharp focus. With a wave a nausea, I realized that the walls and floor were red... sticky....
I shut my eyes impulsively, and focused on the music instead. It was getting louder and clearer with every leap, until it felt so very close- I could have been playing it myself. I could recognize each note, each pitch without any hesitation. I reached out with quivering arms, and felt my piano. I valiantly opened my eyes once more, and caught a short glimpse of who was playing it. I gasped aloud.
Without any warning, my head broke the surface. I was oblivious to the frothy, billowing waves, but I now knew who had what I needed. I could see those crystal clear green eyes flashing before me.
A Heavenly Show
When we look into the night sky, we see an endless blanket of black
studded with stars and occasionally the moon, in beauty it doesn't lack
In big cities, it's obscured by clumps of debris and dust
invariably providing the sky with the dull color of rust
There are sparkling showers of fireworks on days like New Years Eve,
but with all the smoke and carried noise, we're a little reluctant to perceive
However, if you travel to the Arctic, in the north,
and focus entirely on the sky, not just a patch
you are likely to view nature's colorful display
without even needing to strike a match
Planet Earth has its very own fireworks display
but its so much more comforting and silent
these delightful shades are called 'Aurora Borealis'
and to our ears are so much less violent
The Sun, a fireball of heated gas, throws out particles from its surface
to prove its utmost strength and wrath
it's with so much force and energy- it turns into solar wind
and the Earth is usually right in its path
An Aurora at its most spectacular is created by this stream
eruptions, or solar flares, make it brighter than it seems
Contact with these particles- negative effects it will ultimately yield
but thankfully, we are protected by the Earth's atmospheric shield
But, some manage to break free and penetrate our atmosphere
and that's when you intuitively realize- the 'fireworks' are really here
When the molecules of atmospheric gases come in contact and then collide,
with the particles of the Sun, they emit breath-taking colors that glide
across the darkest of skies, giving out a haunting glow
and can turn the swallowing darkness into a dazzling light show
They create a truly mesmerizing pattern- rather like that of a curtain
in various shades of blue or green, the precise color's uncertain
By staring at them for under a minute, we're enthralled, hypnotized
and how disappointed we suddenly are at this gorgeous phenomenon's demise
About the Earth, there are quite a few topics about which we scarcely know
and this is definitely one of the lot- this entrancing, heavenly show
studded with stars and occasionally the moon, in beauty it doesn't lack
In big cities, it's obscured by clumps of debris and dust
invariably providing the sky with the dull color of rust
There are sparkling showers of fireworks on days like New Years Eve,
but with all the smoke and carried noise, we're a little reluctant to perceive
However, if you travel to the Arctic, in the north,
and focus entirely on the sky, not just a patch
you are likely to view nature's colorful display
without even needing to strike a match
Planet Earth has its very own fireworks display
but its so much more comforting and silent
these delightful shades are called 'Aurora Borealis'
and to our ears are so much less violent
The Sun, a fireball of heated gas, throws out particles from its surface
to prove its utmost strength and wrath
it's with so much force and energy- it turns into solar wind
and the Earth is usually right in its path
An Aurora at its most spectacular is created by this stream
eruptions, or solar flares, make it brighter than it seems
Contact with these particles- negative effects it will ultimately yield
but thankfully, we are protected by the Earth's atmospheric shield
But, some manage to break free and penetrate our atmosphere
and that's when you intuitively realize- the 'fireworks' are really here
When the molecules of atmospheric gases come in contact and then collide,
with the particles of the Sun, they emit breath-taking colors that glide
across the darkest of skies, giving out a haunting glow
and can turn the swallowing darkness into a dazzling light show
They create a truly mesmerizing pattern- rather like that of a curtain
in various shades of blue or green, the precise color's uncertain
By staring at them for under a minute, we're enthralled, hypnotized
and how disappointed we suddenly are at this gorgeous phenomenon's demise
About the Earth, there are quite a few topics about which we scarcely know
and this is definitely one of the lot- this entrancing, heavenly show
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
All Hallow's Evening

(Picture taken from
On the night of October 31, all the children assemble
dressed and made-up in fancy outfits-supernatural beings they resemble
The holiday, or Halloween, also known as 'All Hallow's Eve'
is not just a thoughtless costume party, for it is based on a series of beliefs
From the ancient Celtic festival- Samhain, does this day originate
in Gaelic culture, the end of the harvest season does this day celebrate
It was a time when the Pagans would take a stock of supplies;
for winter they would begin to prepare
masks and costumes were worn by them to lure off any scare
On October 31, the ancient Gaels very strongly believed
the boundaries between the living and dead overlapped, so then the deceased
would come back to life and cause havoc like illness or damaged crops,
hence, it was the decision of the Pagans- this catastrophe certainly must be stopped
So, this festival would frequently involve a powerful bonfire
attracting insects and ultimately bats, as the sparks rose higher and higher
and that tradition lives till this very day- for evil spirits that are conjured,
will meet the kids in their frightening attire, and away from the town they will be lured
The typical Halloween activities include trick-or-treating while disguised
demanding sweets from every house until the fiery sun will rise
It also involves decorating the house with various spooky patterns
and buying pumpkins from pumpkin farms and carving them into jack-o'-lanterns
All kids (to their rooms), with skeletal embellishments they will adorn
their bulging sacks brimming with candy apples and caramel corn
These traditions are practiced abundantly by a majority in the west,
as grownups supply candy and sweets to their much-awaited guests
Trick-or-treaters gorge on their earnings until their stomachs are fit to burst
confirmed that all the devils and lingering spirits could not have survived the worst
So they retire their costumes, and anticipate eagerly for the coming year,
watching horror films and videos to match up the current atmosphere
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Mystery of Risk
Decisions we take in life can have varying reasons and forms
but nowadays, taking cautious decisions has become the fixed norm
If in air, sea or land, there is never a doubt
as to whether we should take the less dangerous route
People are always reluctant to take even the slightest risk
and to finish an uneven journey, they become unnaturally brisk
Yet those who were willing to take risks,
have helped our imagination grow;
they were instrumental in expanding the boundaries
of everything we know
Without risk-takers, our oceanic wonders would never have been discovered
and fossils and archaeological sites would never have been uncovered
It were risk-takers who clambered up peaks so very high
and others who were capable of exploring far beyond the sky
Creatures of rare species are perhaps the most exciting ever found
and emeralds and diamonds are the most precious excavated from the ground
Cautious people couldn't have come across these things
unless they had luck so sheer
but the risk-takers would have found it, eventually,
without breaking a single fear
Majority of those people had their reputations at stake
yet, without their desire to take a risk, the records they could never break
So, I'll say, whatever the risk-takers had set out to find
are the objects that easily capture our imagination and mind
And reluctance of risk, if we decide to conquer and rule,
we can discover absolutely anything worth more than a priceless jewel
but nowadays, taking cautious decisions has become the fixed norm
If in air, sea or land, there is never a doubt
as to whether we should take the less dangerous route
People are always reluctant to take even the slightest risk
and to finish an uneven journey, they become unnaturally brisk
Yet those who were willing to take risks,
have helped our imagination grow;
they were instrumental in expanding the boundaries
of everything we know
Without risk-takers, our oceanic wonders would never have been discovered
and fossils and archaeological sites would never have been uncovered
It were risk-takers who clambered up peaks so very high
and others who were capable of exploring far beyond the sky
Creatures of rare species are perhaps the most exciting ever found
and emeralds and diamonds are the most precious excavated from the ground
Cautious people couldn't have come across these things
unless they had luck so sheer
but the risk-takers would have found it, eventually,
without breaking a single fear
Majority of those people had their reputations at stake
yet, without their desire to take a risk, the records they could never break
So, I'll say, whatever the risk-takers had set out to find
are the objects that easily capture our imagination and mind
And reluctance of risk, if we decide to conquer and rule,
we can discover absolutely anything worth more than a priceless jewel
Friday, October 11, 2013
Assortments of Garments
Whenever we walk up and down the street,
we see an assortment of outfits at our feet
and an array of varieties of fancy, beaded shirts
or striped jeans and designed skirts
A few apparel are joined to one another by the hem
others are encrusted with iridescent gems
Some with tiny mirrors are entirely concealed
cries of admiration, they can effortlessly yield
Most have many an elaborate stitch
and in intricacy appear to be exceedingly rich
While many dresses seem to be made of nothing but dots
quite a lot of garments have anything but spots
We can buy boots of rubber, plastic or leather
or just shoes that are suited to any extreme weather
We witness frills and folds on frock after frock
and frills and folds on sock after sock
On one floor, we can purchase exotic fur gloves
and smooth scarves and earmuffs on the storey above
We sometimes wear slacks with attached sequins that shine
creating a gorgeous but rather cheesy design
It's impressive how tailors can so ably rearrange cloth
in all shades of colors- bright, sea, dull or goth
and the temperature can suddenly seem so much better
when we wear a dark cardigan or a hand knitted sweater
But at times, when clothes look too delicate or nice,
I think staying away from them will definitely suffice
For I am certain that I am capable, or to rephrase will
find something in proximity (on my clothes) to spill
I don't mean to end this on a note of satire
but I think it best to keep distance from this sort of fancy attire
we see an assortment of outfits at our feet
and an array of varieties of fancy, beaded shirts
or striped jeans and designed skirts
A few apparel are joined to one another by the hem
others are encrusted with iridescent gems
Some with tiny mirrors are entirely concealed
cries of admiration, they can effortlessly yield
Most have many an elaborate stitch
and in intricacy appear to be exceedingly rich
While many dresses seem to be made of nothing but dots
quite a lot of garments have anything but spots
We can buy boots of rubber, plastic or leather
or just shoes that are suited to any extreme weather
We witness frills and folds on frock after frock
and frills and folds on sock after sock
On one floor, we can purchase exotic fur gloves
and smooth scarves and earmuffs on the storey above
We sometimes wear slacks with attached sequins that shine
creating a gorgeous but rather cheesy design
It's impressive how tailors can so ably rearrange cloth
in all shades of colors- bright, sea, dull or goth
and the temperature can suddenly seem so much better
when we wear a dark cardigan or a hand knitted sweater
But at times, when clothes look too delicate or nice,
I think staying away from them will definitely suffice
For I am certain that I am capable, or to rephrase will
find something in proximity (on my clothes) to spill
I don't mean to end this on a note of satire
but I think it best to keep distance from this sort of fancy attire
Friday, September 27, 2013
Morsels and Treats
The second we bite into those crispy brown shells
all the ingredients start to flow out pell mell
Our mouths become flooded with the essence of cheese
its softness enables us to swallow it with ease
There's spice provided by the tasty baked beans
the vegetables range for the color red to the color green
There are just so many shades and flavors
too many to appreciate, too many to savor
But sometimes, I think good food is our greatest joy
when bored in the kitchen, it becomes our favorite toy
And there's never any harm in attempting to experiment
though it could produce a dish you heartily resent
You could try to make home made ice-cream,
and end up with just ice
or you could try to make a Mexican platter,
and end up with just rice
But honestly, without tasty food where would we all be?
Where would be the diversity in what we smell and see?
It could be prepared by a culinary chef, or made by yourself,
it could be made by an experienced cook,or a child of months twelve
Yet every little morsel that we devour
it could be anything- sweet spicy or sour
provides us (at least, me) with unlimited pleasure
our delight becomes seriously challenging to measure
And of course, as you probably all got to know,
my favorite dish is definitely the crunchy taco
But the problem with good food is its ephemeral taste
and its anxiety to leave our mouths in a hurry, post haste
Thus for most people, books or sports may seem a real treat,
but to me, a real treat is something delightful to eat
all the ingredients start to flow out pell mell
Our mouths become flooded with the essence of cheese
its softness enables us to swallow it with ease
There's spice provided by the tasty baked beans
the vegetables range for the color red to the color green
There are just so many shades and flavors
too many to appreciate, too many to savor
But sometimes, I think good food is our greatest joy
when bored in the kitchen, it becomes our favorite toy
And there's never any harm in attempting to experiment
though it could produce a dish you heartily resent
You could try to make home made ice-cream,
and end up with just ice
or you could try to make a Mexican platter,
and end up with just rice
But honestly, without tasty food where would we all be?
Where would be the diversity in what we smell and see?
It could be prepared by a culinary chef, or made by yourself,
it could be made by an experienced cook,or a child of months twelve
Yet every little morsel that we devour
it could be anything- sweet spicy or sour
provides us (at least, me) with unlimited pleasure
our delight becomes seriously challenging to measure
And of course, as you probably all got to know,
my favorite dish is definitely the crunchy taco
But the problem with good food is its ephemeral taste
and its anxiety to leave our mouths in a hurry, post haste
Thus for most people, books or sports may seem a real treat,
but to me, a real treat is something delightful to eat
Friday, September 13, 2013
Mythical Creatures
While angels soar way above the sky
in the atmosphere, most leprechauns and fairies fly
Trolls and unicorns thrive well on the ground
and in different places can dragons be found
And this is all I really have to say
they're all unique in their very own way
Benevolent, guardian spirits, celestial beings at birth
which play as the intermediary between heaven and Earth
Depicted with a halo, and bright bird-like wings
they encircle the throne of living creatures and like to sing
Angelic, dedicated faces, in long robes of white
which take up various forms of breathtaking, glowing light
Next, are creatures that steal, bellow and roar
do trolls, derived from Scandinavian folklore
that dwell in isolated caves, mountains and rocks
very malicious, but their being dimwitted makes them easy to mock
With eyes that are active only during the swallowing night
as they rapidly turn to stone whenever exposed to light
Now we shall move on to the woodland animal- the unicorn
that since antiquity, has been described with a single, spiraling horn
A white, horse like, creature, with cloven hooves and considered wild
but being a symbol of purity and grace, its nature is extremely mild
Its ability to heal any sickness has portrayed it as tender
and poisoned water to potable, it can magically render
But though these creations are delightful to imagine
nothing is more interesting than the fire-breathing dragon
The portrayer of power, strength, good luck and pleasure
that jealously guard a cave of invaluable treasure
Its serpentine traits have made it possess multicolored scales
which shine brightly when read out in popular Chinese tales
Now, it's all about a few sweet, kindly creatures
which in myths and legends, they frequently feature
Normally, their being shrewd makes it simple for them to find
children around the globe who they can switch with their own kind
It's the fairy, with their beings also known as a 'changeling',
But now let's go on to creatures which, good luck they always bring
or the mischievous, Irish fairy or also the leprechaun
which by the time you figure out their tricks, they'll be long gone
Shown wearing an apron, a red cap and depicted as rather short
passionately fond of drinks, music and sport
As their occupation, its shoes and footwear they make and mold
and store their savings at the end of the rainbow- in a pot of gold
While angels soar way above the sky
in the atmosphere, most leprechauns and fairies fly
Trolls and unicorns thrive well on the ground
and in different places can dragons be found
And this is all I really have to say
they're all unique in their very own way
in the atmosphere, most leprechauns and fairies fly
Trolls and unicorns thrive well on the ground
and in different places can dragons be found
And this is all I really have to say
they're all unique in their very own way
Benevolent, guardian spirits, celestial beings at birth
which play as the intermediary between heaven and Earth
Depicted with a halo, and bright bird-like wings
they encircle the throne of living creatures and like to sing
Angelic, dedicated faces, in long robes of white
which take up various forms of breathtaking, glowing light
Next, are creatures that steal, bellow and roar
do trolls, derived from Scandinavian folklore
that dwell in isolated caves, mountains and rocks
very malicious, but their being dimwitted makes them easy to mock
With eyes that are active only during the swallowing night
as they rapidly turn to stone whenever exposed to light
Now we shall move on to the woodland animal- the unicorn
that since antiquity, has been described with a single, spiraling horn
A white, horse like, creature, with cloven hooves and considered wild
but being a symbol of purity and grace, its nature is extremely mild
Its ability to heal any sickness has portrayed it as tender
and poisoned water to potable, it can magically render
But though these creations are delightful to imagine
nothing is more interesting than the fire-breathing dragon
The portrayer of power, strength, good luck and pleasure
that jealously guard a cave of invaluable treasure
Its serpentine traits have made it possess multicolored scales
which shine brightly when read out in popular Chinese tales
Now, it's all about a few sweet, kindly creatures
which in myths and legends, they frequently feature
Normally, their being shrewd makes it simple for them to find
children around the globe who they can switch with their own kind
It's the fairy, with their beings also known as a 'changeling',
But now let's go on to creatures which, good luck they always bring
or the mischievous, Irish fairy or also the leprechaun
which by the time you figure out their tricks, they'll be long gone
Shown wearing an apron, a red cap and depicted as rather short
passionately fond of drinks, music and sport
As their occupation, its shoes and footwear they make and mold
and store their savings at the end of the rainbow- in a pot of gold
While angels soar way above the sky
in the atmosphere, most leprechauns and fairies fly
Trolls and unicorns thrive well on the ground
and in different places can dragons be found
And this is all I really have to say
they're all unique in their very own way
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
The second those exquisite, attractive gates close,
all light is extinguished, the brightness and the glows
Before you know it, through darkness we hurtle,
speed exactly opposite to that of a turtle
Our vehicle takes alarming twists and curves,
simultaneously making its passengers swerve
It's impossible to be oblivious to everyone's shouts
as we follow uncharted and unknown routes
At one point, we even travel upside-down
consequently, our thoughts are being tossed around
Our eyes are being assaulted by freezing, cool air,
while speed is loosening and tangling our hair
At another point, the cart and our heartbeat gradually begin to slow,
but the vehicle continues to rock to and fro
And all of a sudden, we're off again, and the speed has doubled
this little adventure means business- to give us trouble
Cross, we decide to finally shut tightly our eyes,
and that putting our head down low will definitely suffice
We can hear our friends screaming, smiles on their face
withstanding the ride with such good grace
Finally, finally, it slows, coming to a stop
we cautiously look up, and our ears go *pop*
We walk into the sunlight unsteadily, coming out a daze
our surroundings seem alien, yet our friends seem unfazed
Now very annoyed, we look back, and we sighed
and said to ourself- what an amazing roller coaster ride
all light is extinguished, the brightness and the glows
Before you know it, through darkness we hurtle,
speed exactly opposite to that of a turtle
Our vehicle takes alarming twists and curves,
simultaneously making its passengers swerve
It's impossible to be oblivious to everyone's shouts
as we follow uncharted and unknown routes
At one point, we even travel upside-down
consequently, our thoughts are being tossed around
Our eyes are being assaulted by freezing, cool air,
while speed is loosening and tangling our hair
At another point, the cart and our heartbeat gradually begin to slow,
but the vehicle continues to rock to and fro
And all of a sudden, we're off again, and the speed has doubled
this little adventure means business- to give us trouble
Cross, we decide to finally shut tightly our eyes,
and that putting our head down low will definitely suffice
We can hear our friends screaming, smiles on their face
withstanding the ride with such good grace
Finally, finally, it slows, coming to a stop
we cautiously look up, and our ears go *pop*
We walk into the sunlight unsteadily, coming out a daze
our surroundings seem alien, yet our friends seem unfazed
Now very annoyed, we look back, and we sighed
and said to ourself- what an amazing roller coaster ride
Sunday, September 1, 2013
How clouds in the heavens make patterns,
how rings display the beauty of Saturn
How sand in the desert makes dunes,
how music notes combine to form tunes
How blues coalesce to form the sky
how wings come together to make us fly
How a river cuts into a canyon like a snake,
how icing sticks layers to form a cake
How peace stems from war between two states,
how forthrightness can always prevent hate
How waves clash tips to make the sea
how passion tells us who we want to be
How fibers weave together to form silk
how white from all sides looks like milk
How memories blend to create inspiration
how history speaks for itself to form a nation
How the galaxy started off as a spark
how the atmosphere suddenly changes in the dark
How simple words can set someone ablaze
how simple words can easily turn into praise
How plumage can embellish a single feather
how a sudden downpour can alter the weather
How the world makes lonely a girl,
and how the universe makes lonely the world
how rings display the beauty of Saturn
How sand in the desert makes dunes,
how music notes combine to form tunes
How blues coalesce to form the sky
how wings come together to make us fly
How a river cuts into a canyon like a snake,
how icing sticks layers to form a cake
How peace stems from war between two states,
how forthrightness can always prevent hate
How waves clash tips to make the sea
how passion tells us who we want to be
How fibers weave together to form silk
how white from all sides looks like milk
How memories blend to create inspiration
how history speaks for itself to form a nation
How the galaxy started off as a spark
how the atmosphere suddenly changes in the dark
How simple words can set someone ablaze
how simple words can easily turn into praise
How plumage can embellish a single feather
how a sudden downpour can alter the weather
How the world makes lonely a girl,
and how the universe makes lonely the world
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Sugar- A Not So Sweet Story
1. Soda
It's nothing but a mixture of sucrose and carbon dioxide
and so deceptive about the calories they provide
Though people think things go better with bubbles
and the fizz and sweetness that only doubles
it's become an incredible sensation worldwide
2. Cotton Candy
Delicious, and traditionally known as 'fairy floss'
but to our teeth, it doesn't inflict a healthy gloss
Colorful spun sugar, like the texture of cotton
(but the side effects may prove to be rotten)
yet to our taste buds, it doesn't seem as much of a loss
3. Cereal
The production of this grain is on the rise
with types in every shape and size
We have fruit loops, flakes, pops and puffs
with cereal, people can't seem to get enough
but to indulge too often would be unwise
4. Syrup
Today what kids like us seem to rave
is the high fructose, corn syrup, viscous wave
Also known as 'Floozy of the sugar world'
which falls upon pancakes in a sticky swirl
and seems to satisfy all our breakfast craves
5. Candy
Nowadays, what seems to invade every shop,
are arrays of jellies, Twizzlers and lollipops
Despite the fact that they taste extremely yummy,
so unhealthy is each additional gummy
and each extra corn candy, snickers and gum drop
6. Cupcake
The most popular item everyone likes to bake
are the simple but scrumptious cake and cupcake
especially the ones topped with icing and butter cream
that get warm to from a slow- flowing stream
and land at its base to from a sweet lake
Though we revel in these sweets in our mist
there's a reason we find them impossible to resist
We delight at their consumption, bask in their glory
but all in all, it can't be considered as a treacly, sweet story
It's nothing but a mixture of sucrose and carbon dioxide
and so deceptive about the calories they provide
Though people think things go better with bubbles
and the fizz and sweetness that only doubles
it's become an incredible sensation worldwide
2. Cotton Candy
Delicious, and traditionally known as 'fairy floss'
but to our teeth, it doesn't inflict a healthy gloss
Colorful spun sugar, like the texture of cotton
(but the side effects may prove to be rotten)
yet to our taste buds, it doesn't seem as much of a loss
3. Cereal
The production of this grain is on the rise
with types in every shape and size
We have fruit loops, flakes, pops and puffs
with cereal, people can't seem to get enough
but to indulge too often would be unwise
4. Syrup
Today what kids like us seem to rave
is the high fructose, corn syrup, viscous wave
Also known as 'Floozy of the sugar world'
which falls upon pancakes in a sticky swirl
and seems to satisfy all our breakfast craves
5. Candy
Nowadays, what seems to invade every shop,
are arrays of jellies, Twizzlers and lollipops
Despite the fact that they taste extremely yummy,
so unhealthy is each additional gummy
and each extra corn candy, snickers and gum drop
6. Cupcake
The most popular item everyone likes to bake
are the simple but scrumptious cake and cupcake
especially the ones topped with icing and butter cream
that get warm to from a slow- flowing stream
and land at its base to from a sweet lake
Though we revel in these sweets in our mist
there's a reason we find them impossible to resist
We delight at their consumption, bask in their glory
but all in all, it can't be considered as a treacly, sweet story
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Free Time
In my free time I am capable of doing a variety of stuff
believe me, I've done most of them, they aren't only bluffs
Through the Bermuda Triangle, I was brave enough to set sail,
and I'm not lying when I say I rode on an evil blue whale
I surpassed glaciers, snow, hail and the rest
as I trudged up the mighty Mount Everest
And the dreams of these have been truly terrific,
when I dived down to the Mariana Trench, in the Pacific
Later on, I made my way to the perennially freezing South Pole
and sought to bring back the greenery nature had once stole
So, I potted some rich soil, and planted a young tree,
my move will yield incredible results, we will all soon see
I then invented this sort of creamy, fudgy, tasty chocolate,
which by consuming day and night, we'll remain eternally fit
Next, I fashioned a wand from a thyme tree, that responded at my will
so by utilizing my expertise, I could make time stand still
And this astronomical feat., has made me seriously famous
when I opened an amusement park on the surface of Uranus
I ran a marathon across the equator, in exactly 139 minutes
my awesomeness has been publicized, making me infinite
Later, by using binoculars, some glass, a nail and a laser,
I discovered a 10 billion light years away, radioactive quasar
When I ran into the Sahara Desert, I introduced a giant lake
that endless stretch of sand for miles, I took the duty to break
The list goes on and on, and I haven't covered most,
but I think I'll stop right here and now, as I don't mean to boast
Yet in my opinion, I think my achievements have been prime
but I can't help thinking it's a load of nonsense I do in my free time
believe me, I've done most of them, they aren't only bluffs
Through the Bermuda Triangle, I was brave enough to set sail,
and I'm not lying when I say I rode on an evil blue whale
I surpassed glaciers, snow, hail and the rest
as I trudged up the mighty Mount Everest
And the dreams of these have been truly terrific,
when I dived down to the Mariana Trench, in the Pacific
Later on, I made my way to the perennially freezing South Pole
and sought to bring back the greenery nature had once stole
So, I potted some rich soil, and planted a young tree,
my move will yield incredible results, we will all soon see
I then invented this sort of creamy, fudgy, tasty chocolate,
which by consuming day and night, we'll remain eternally fit
Next, I fashioned a wand from a thyme tree, that responded at my will
so by utilizing my expertise, I could make time stand still
And this astronomical feat., has made me seriously famous
when I opened an amusement park on the surface of Uranus
I ran a marathon across the equator, in exactly 139 minutes
my awesomeness has been publicized, making me infinite
Later, by using binoculars, some glass, a nail and a laser,
I discovered a 10 billion light years away, radioactive quasar
When I ran into the Sahara Desert, I introduced a giant lake
that endless stretch of sand for miles, I took the duty to break
The list goes on and on, and I haven't covered most,
but I think I'll stop right here and now, as I don't mean to boast
Yet in my opinion, I think my achievements have been prime
but I can't help thinking it's a load of nonsense I do in my free time
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
History Timeline
Nowadays, a virus or a Trojan horse,
is so much more intimidating than an invading force
And now, what really makes this generation sweat,
are crashes or hackers on the internet
But I tend to fret when reading about history
as each chapter is so full of turns and twists
and the vague intentions of some people are such a mystery,
it's impossible to obtain an accurate gist
In 753 BC, was the founding of the city called Rome
which so many Italians now call their home
Later, in world peace, there were numerous stirs
as Shihuangdi became China's first emperor
A few years hence, yet millennia ago
Pompeii was destroyed by the dormant volcano
And the Goths who went to Rome initially to trade,
well, the Roman empire ended when they moved on to invade
1066 was followed by the Battle of Hasting,
when William the Conqueror became England's king
Then came the plan to recover Jerusalem in the next decade
as European Christians carried out the first Crusade
In 1215, after wars, riots, tribulations and fights,
King John finally granted English citizens their rights
Next was the apocalypse of 75 million breaths
as Asia and Europe were struck by the Black Death
In the 13th century- the 100 Years War between England and France
where France won eventually, having seized its chance
Now, I shall skip 4 to 5 passing centuries
because, honestly, it would be impossible to describe
every war and battle and uprising and fury
that had prevailed among different parties, nations and tribes
In response to freedom fighter's and reformer's bravery
arrived the historical landmark (1848)- the abolition of slavery
In 1869 was the opening of the great Suez Canal
since then, with Europe, India has been a constant trade pal
In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone
from which the seeds of communication were sown
Three decades later, the American brothers- Wright
brought about the very first aeroplane flight
And later on, a war that lasted not one year, but four
as the Earth withstood the first World War
In 1917, was the established Russian Revolution,
followed by the economic crisis or the Great Depression
From 1939-45, was World War II
the loss was massive, the numbers weren't few
And it's shocking- the number of innocent people who were lost
in the dreadful, German Holocaust
In 1953, was achieved a geographical feat, maybe the best
as two daring men conquered Mount Everest
In 1961, Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space,
that was a big step ahead for the human race
Later, Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon,
after which the Soviet Union saw its end very soon
In 2003 was the Iraq war, where Saddam Hussein was overthrown
though elections were still held, violence was continued and shown
Of course, scores of events I have definitely missed
but I'm completely out of patience- for each event to list
But I will say this, the coming future generation,
will learn about the current happenings of our nation
It'll be so strange- for the things we read in newspapers today
will be printed in history textbooks so many years away
as each chapter is so full of turns and twists
and the vague intentions of some people are such a mystery,
it's impossible to obtain an accurate gist
In 753 BC, was the founding of the city called Rome
which so many Italians now call their home
Later, in world peace, there were numerous stirs
as Shihuangdi became China's first emperor
A few years hence, yet millennia ago
Pompeii was destroyed by the dormant volcano
And the Goths who went to Rome initially to trade,
well, the Roman empire ended when they moved on to invade
1066 was followed by the Battle of Hasting,
when William the Conqueror became England's king
Then came the plan to recover Jerusalem in the next decade
as European Christians carried out the first Crusade
In 1215, after wars, riots, tribulations and fights,
King John finally granted English citizens their rights
Next was the apocalypse of 75 million breaths
as Asia and Europe were struck by the Black Death
In the 13th century- the 100 Years War between England and France
where France won eventually, having seized its chance
Now, I shall skip 4 to 5 passing centuries
because, honestly, it would be impossible to describe
every war and battle and uprising and fury
that had prevailed among different parties, nations and tribes
In response to freedom fighter's and reformer's bravery
arrived the historical landmark (1848)- the abolition of slavery
In 1869 was the opening of the great Suez Canal
since then, with Europe, India has been a constant trade pal
In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone
from which the seeds of communication were sown
Three decades later, the American brothers- Wright
brought about the very first aeroplane flight
And later on, a war that lasted not one year, but four
as the Earth withstood the first World War
In 1917, was the established Russian Revolution,
followed by the economic crisis or the Great Depression
From 1939-45, was World War II
the loss was massive, the numbers weren't few
And it's shocking- the number of innocent people who were lost
in the dreadful, German Holocaust
In 1953, was achieved a geographical feat, maybe the best
as two daring men conquered Mount Everest
In 1961, Yuri Gagarin was the first man in space,
that was a big step ahead for the human race
Later, Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon,
after which the Soviet Union saw its end very soon
In 2003 was the Iraq war, where Saddam Hussein was overthrown
though elections were still held, violence was continued and shown
Of course, scores of events I have definitely missed
but I'm completely out of patience- for each event to list
But I will say this, the coming future generation,
will learn about the current happenings of our nation
It'll be so strange- for the things we read in newspapers today
will be printed in history textbooks so many years away
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Writer's Block
For some it may come as an unwelcome shock
to realize that they have a Writer's Block
And that poets who are used to writing page after page
have invariably reached that unpleasant stage
where to find a topic, they must untimely think
when before- ideas would come quicker that they could blink
In non-trivial conditions it may drive writers berserk
at the loss of their talent to produce new work
And Writer's Block may persist for months and years
even drawing them to the end of their careers
But the maddening inability to continue a rhyme,
is an affliction writers experience from time to time
So an author may move to another job- say an engineer
that's so opposite when compared to his beloved sphere
while in the process, he's being bored to tears
Then all of a sudden, emerging out of the blue
scores of ideas arrive, not just a few
Meanwhile, inspiration begins to shower you like rain
and you know: the unattainable, you will attain
So you have a desire to return to your passion
and to express your views in a whole other fashion.
I've noticed- I stopped composing for a couple of years as well
until thoughts starting coming out of their shell
But frankly, it won't come as a big shock
to realize I didn't have a Writer's Block...
I probably just didn't feel like it
to realize that they have a Writer's Block
And that poets who are used to writing page after page
have invariably reached that unpleasant stage
where to find a topic, they must untimely think
when before- ideas would come quicker that they could blink
In non-trivial conditions it may drive writers berserk
at the loss of their talent to produce new work
And Writer's Block may persist for months and years
even drawing them to the end of their careers
But the maddening inability to continue a rhyme,
is an affliction writers experience from time to time
So an author may move to another job- say an engineer
that's so opposite when compared to his beloved sphere
while in the process, he's being bored to tears
Then all of a sudden, emerging out of the blue
scores of ideas arrive, not just a few
Meanwhile, inspiration begins to shower you like rain
and you know: the unattainable, you will attain
So you have a desire to return to your passion
and to express your views in a whole other fashion.
I've noticed- I stopped composing for a couple of years as well
until thoughts starting coming out of their shell
But frankly, it won't come as a big shock
to realize I didn't have a Writer's Block...
I probably just didn't feel like it
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Big Bang Theory's'
It's sort of strange to realize that the universe had a start,
and that once it appeared, the main body started attracting part by part
Before the Big Bang, space was nothing but a void of vacuum and dust
with a few sparks here and there, and maybe an occasional gust
But after the Big Bang occurred, space wasn't an endless tunnel of black
humans can explore it all they want, though gravity holds them back
Our universe was a 'singularity' 13.7 billion years before
(singularities are substances that exist at a black hole's core)
It was infinitesimally small, and infinitely hot and dense
after its appearance it expanded and cooled considerably, from whence
it continues to do so till this very day, and this very hour
housing a unique planet, circling around a beautiful star
and it's clustered to a trillion balls of heat- the sun isn't at the core
so the entire galaxy and universe, through the cosmos they continue to soar
Why there's static on television screens, no one knows too clearly,
but most people know that it roots back to the Big Bang Theory
They're all a bunch of nerds- geniuses but self-possessed,
and with quantum physics and god-knows-what they're constantly obsessed
The characters are really good, but Sheldon has to be the best
his eccentric and non-conventional ways completely overshadow the rest
He has a total lack of social skills, and believes in adherence to routine,
he cannot feel humility, and his surroundings must be cleaner than clean
He can speak 5 languages, as well as 'Klingon' from Star Trek
though he faints at the sight of blood, he still has high intellect
And then there's Leonard Hofstadter- well, he's a bit more formal
and looks positively smarter among his group abnormal
As for Howard and Raj- there's little I have to say
though they can't go without fighting with each other every other day
And Penny, a waitress, beautifully gorgeous and blond
with a dream to be an actress; she's very protective of those who she's fond
Although the show comes so often, to watch it I barely have time
but it must be interesting enough if I decide to initiate a rhyme
and that once it appeared, the main body started attracting part by part
Before the Big Bang, space was nothing but a void of vacuum and dust
with a few sparks here and there, and maybe an occasional gust
But after the Big Bang occurred, space wasn't an endless tunnel of black
humans can explore it all they want, though gravity holds them back
Our universe was a 'singularity' 13.7 billion years before
(singularities are substances that exist at a black hole's core)
It was infinitesimally small, and infinitely hot and dense
after its appearance it expanded and cooled considerably, from whence
it continues to do so till this very day, and this very hour
housing a unique planet, circling around a beautiful star
and it's clustered to a trillion balls of heat- the sun isn't at the core
so the entire galaxy and universe, through the cosmos they continue to soar
Why there's static on television screens, no one knows too clearly,
but most people know that it roots back to the Big Bang Theory
They're all a bunch of nerds- geniuses but self-possessed,
and with quantum physics and god-knows-what they're constantly obsessed
The characters are really good, but Sheldon has to be the best
his eccentric and non-conventional ways completely overshadow the rest
He has a total lack of social skills, and believes in adherence to routine,
he cannot feel humility, and his surroundings must be cleaner than clean
He can speak 5 languages, as well as 'Klingon' from Star Trek
though he faints at the sight of blood, he still has high intellect
And then there's Leonard Hofstadter- well, he's a bit more formal
and looks positively smarter among his group abnormal
As for Howard and Raj- there's little I have to say
though they can't go without fighting with each other every other day
And Penny, a waitress, beautifully gorgeous and blond
with a dream to be an actress; she's very protective of those who she's fond
Although the show comes so often, to watch it I barely have time
but it must be interesting enough if I decide to initiate a rhyme
Monday, July 22, 2013
He had untidy hair, and bright green eyes
beneath which, a grief-stricken life lies
He had lost his parents in a twist of fate
when the villain came storming at his gate
Before his downfall, there latched a part of his soul
on the young boy's- they completed each other as a whole
So at Hogwarts, when Harry was about to sort,
he would have been in the house of Lord Voldemort
Then the world realized Harry could speak to snakes
his innocence and purity, all at stake
But so noble he was, so inherently brave
that endless contributions to the wizarding world he gave
There she was- olive skinned with a braid
memories of her father, unable to fade
In her days so discriminating and grim,
stars her sister- sweet, loving Prim
The bow and arrow were a major part of her life
towards the happiness of her sister was her major strive
A reasonable time before Prim's name was drawn
when Katniss volunteered, it was imminent her life was gone
She had battled grief, hunger and cold at first
but in the Games she battled betrayal, injuries and thirst
When she slept she had nightmares, never a dream,
as the Capitol carried out its suppressing regime
Though his life isn't as depressing as that of Harry or Katniss,
missions and prophecies combined, it couldn't have been bliss
Harassed by the Olympian gods of Roman and Greek,
the elimination of heroes, they would constantly seek
And Percy was the son of Poseidon, one of the Big Three
which explained his inhuman power in relation to the sea
and was why he could set the most dangerous monster free
but in war he stood tall, never to flee
He had been to the underworld, sea of monsters,
and had even held up the sky
he had set foot in the labyrinth, then bathed in the river Styx,
never to die
But he had witnessed so many heroes die, leave or just disappear
and for the downfall of the gods, his family, was his fear
In her life- so very dull and dark
so had shown as the brightest spark
She appeared so mature, as though twice her age
and with people, she was never really on the same page
That took a turn when she grew fond of a vampire
and the strange things in her days just kept creeping higher
when a werewolf then turned out to be her new best friend
with mythical creatures, she was unable to fend
A force had drawn her to the land of rain
which offered her so much to lose, and so little to gain
Yet it gave her immortality, and eyes which glowed red
never again on normal food she fed
Funny, isn't it, how there characters have such a depressing tale
Though to impress the reader, the story will rarely fail...
Sunday, July 14, 2013
My Inalienable Friendship with an Alien
Now nothing seems normal after that eventful winter noon,
as I never thought I'd meet someone more distant than the moon
My perspective about everything changed quicker than the speed of light,
and I found myself gazing above in the deafening silence of night
Though he appeared strange, he possessed a certain charm
and I instantly realized- to me he would never, ever harm
Yet his identity and features, I am forbidden to disclose
as I understand the immediate threat humanity would impose
But our conversation and experience, I'd be delighted to narrate
But if you're uninterested in unearthly beings, you really don't have to wait
After overcoming the initial shock of a spectral creature at my door,
I invited him into the living room so he could talk some more
"This planet is rather strange," he'd whisper in his silky voice
"But an unknown force attracted my ship, and I didn't really have a choice"
"I left my home to search for the cure to a very dreaded disease,
so that my land can finally be healthy, and there will resume peace
And I'm not even close", he mumbled, starting to get upset
and I realized his distress was contagious, as I began to fret
"And I feel quite ill myelf, for I suddenly shake and shiver."
I surveyed him sympathetically ; in his stance there was a definite quiver
I could hear my stomach growl, so I decided to get something to eat
and to make my friend feel better, I'd give him a similar treat
Just as I was reaching for the tall carton of Pringles,
time seemed to pause for a moment, the air began to tingle
"Yes", he breathed "There is one thing I am very sure..."
" this house, in this room, is hidden the desired cure."
I let my imagination fly, along with ideas and emotion,
what could be this antidote- a spell, a drink or a potion?
"And it's right there," he breathed, pointing to a deep green leaf,
I didnt know what I was expecting, but something beyond belief
He took the spinach in his hands, a grin spreading across his face
"I've found it! I must return home, and leave this blessed place!"
That must have been the authentic cure, for he seemed to radiate heat
his eyes were brighter than stars, he couldn't stop shuffling his feet
Before I could react, bid good bye, or for that matter even blink
he stretched his arm out towards the Sun, and vanished in a trace of ink
I learnt that we should never eat spinach, we should only keep it to preserve
so that we can save a civilization, whose medicines they truly deserve
But I wasn't thinking about how my latest conversation would bring me fame
I was only dwelling upon the fact, that I hadn't even asked for his name
I just hope his galaxy has internet....
as I never thought I'd meet someone more distant than the moon
My perspective about everything changed quicker than the speed of light,
and I found myself gazing above in the deafening silence of night
Though he appeared strange, he possessed a certain charm
and I instantly realized- to me he would never, ever harm
Yet his identity and features, I am forbidden to disclose
as I understand the immediate threat humanity would impose
But our conversation and experience, I'd be delighted to narrate
But if you're uninterested in unearthly beings, you really don't have to wait
After overcoming the initial shock of a spectral creature at my door,
I invited him into the living room so he could talk some more
"This planet is rather strange," he'd whisper in his silky voice
"But an unknown force attracted my ship, and I didn't really have a choice"
"I left my home to search for the cure to a very dreaded disease,
so that my land can finally be healthy, and there will resume peace
And I'm not even close", he mumbled, starting to get upset
and I realized his distress was contagious, as I began to fret
"And I feel quite ill myelf, for I suddenly shake and shiver."
I surveyed him sympathetically ; in his stance there was a definite quiver
I could hear my stomach growl, so I decided to get something to eat
and to make my friend feel better, I'd give him a similar treat
Just as I was reaching for the tall carton of Pringles,
time seemed to pause for a moment, the air began to tingle
"Yes", he breathed "There is one thing I am very sure..."
" this house, in this room, is hidden the desired cure."
I let my imagination fly, along with ideas and emotion,
what could be this antidote- a spell, a drink or a potion?
"And it's right there," he breathed, pointing to a deep green leaf,
I didnt know what I was expecting, but something beyond belief
He took the spinach in his hands, a grin spreading across his face
"I've found it! I must return home, and leave this blessed place!"
That must have been the authentic cure, for he seemed to radiate heat
his eyes were brighter than stars, he couldn't stop shuffling his feet
Before I could react, bid good bye, or for that matter even blink
he stretched his arm out towards the Sun, and vanished in a trace of ink
I learnt that we should never eat spinach, we should only keep it to preserve
so that we can save a civilization, whose medicines they truly deserve
But I wasn't thinking about how my latest conversation would bring me fame
I was only dwelling upon the fact, that I hadn't even asked for his name
I just hope his galaxy has internet....
Thursday, July 4, 2013
The Rose
Amidst a threshold of perennial woods
a powerful palace of the king stood
it functioned on well-being, truth and peace
its purity of subjects, never to cease
and once the prince's potential was shown
he was next to ascend the throne
But it became apparent, that he was not destined to rule
for the prince was unforgiving, haughty and cruel
As when a helpless old lady appeared at his door
the man turned her away, and said no more
She then offered him a rose, for a place to sleep at night
when he selfishly refused, there was a blinding flash of light
and there stood a fairy, dazzling and bright
As recognition hit, he was lost in a desperate plea
begging to redeem himself, for condonement, for mercy
Yet the fairy saw darkness in his heart
one lacking love, which he shunned on his part
So she flicked her wand towards the east
and the prince transformed into a monstrous beast
The fairy then presented him with her rose,
which the prince realized, pulses and glows
She stated that until the prince found love
each magical petal will wither, and rise above
And, the maiden whom he loves, should as well
for till then, the flower shall continue to fell
and once it becomes a plain, green stalk
in the body of the beast, his soul will remain locked
The prince guarded the rose's secret, with his life
to postpone its withering, was his constant strive
At times the loneliness was too much to handle
despite his subjects, a clock and a candle
Yet the prince was more fortunate than one can tell
for he met the beautiful, maiden Belle
Though the prince then turned human, there lay the flower
abandoned, forgotten, having lost its special power
It remained in the dungeons, never to be found
with a few dull pink petals, resting on the ground
a powerful palace of the king stood
it functioned on well-being, truth and peace
its purity of subjects, never to cease
and once the prince's potential was shown
he was next to ascend the throne
But it became apparent, that he was not destined to rule
for the prince was unforgiving, haughty and cruel
As when a helpless old lady appeared at his door
the man turned her away, and said no more
She then offered him a rose, for a place to sleep at night
when he selfishly refused, there was a blinding flash of light
and there stood a fairy, dazzling and bright
As recognition hit, he was lost in a desperate plea
begging to redeem himself, for condonement, for mercy
Yet the fairy saw darkness in his heart
one lacking love, which he shunned on his part
So she flicked her wand towards the east
and the prince transformed into a monstrous beast
The fairy then presented him with her rose,
which the prince realized, pulses and glows
She stated that until the prince found love
each magical petal will wither, and rise above
And, the maiden whom he loves, should as well
for till then, the flower shall continue to fell
and once it becomes a plain, green stalk
in the body of the beast, his soul will remain locked
The prince guarded the rose's secret, with his life
to postpone its withering, was his constant strive
At times the loneliness was too much to handle
despite his subjects, a clock and a candle
Yet the prince was more fortunate than one can tell
for he met the beautiful, maiden Belle
Though the prince then turned human, there lay the flower
abandoned, forgotten, having lost its special power
It remained in the dungeons, never to be found
with a few dull pink petals, resting on the ground
Thursday, June 27, 2013
The most magical effect created by rain
is that it seems to dissolve all the pain
elicited from the falling crops and barren fields
such prosperity and pleasure, it will yield
The moment the dark clouds begin to gush
the vegetation suddenly turns green and lush
and it's impossible to travel by any route
devoid of a patch of flowers or fruit
it evaporates all the stifling heat
and provides the sweating citizens with quite a treat
even the lightest and most peaceful drizzle
can succeed in cooling down a steaming sizzle
But rain that accompanies the storm and gale
which carries along destruction and hail
can destroy the greenery it just made
the Earth's aesthetic beauty, it will raid
It uproots plants from their home soil
eliminating hours of a farmer's toil
My opinion about rain oscillates back and forth
what with the landslide triggered in the north
Yet every time we see a fresh new leaf
it provides us with a sensation of relief
But best of all...
If the trees responded to the wind's rhythmic lilt
and towards each other, they would gradually tilt
with the rain brightening them to a rain forest hue
that would stand out against the sky so blue
We would drive parallel to every flower and tree
under the new-born canopy
is that it seems to dissolve all the pain
elicited from the falling crops and barren fields
such prosperity and pleasure, it will yield
The moment the dark clouds begin to gush
the vegetation suddenly turns green and lush
and it's impossible to travel by any route
devoid of a patch of flowers or fruit
it evaporates all the stifling heat
and provides the sweating citizens with quite a treat
even the lightest and most peaceful drizzle
can succeed in cooling down a steaming sizzle
But rain that accompanies the storm and gale
which carries along destruction and hail
can destroy the greenery it just made
the Earth's aesthetic beauty, it will raid
It uproots plants from their home soil
eliminating hours of a farmer's toil
My opinion about rain oscillates back and forth
what with the landslide triggered in the north
Yet every time we see a fresh new leaf
it provides us with a sensation of relief
But best of all...
If the trees responded to the wind's rhythmic lilt
and towards each other, they would gradually tilt
with the rain brightening them to a rain forest hue
that would stand out against the sky so blue
We would drive parallel to every flower and tree
under the new-born canopy
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Longest Night
I warily stare at my fluorescent clock
that irritates me with its perpetual tick-tock
it ticks away every second, minute and hour
indicating that sunrise isn't very far
I crane my neck, to lift my head
and stare at the little girl in the next bed
nothing can rouse her, not a douse, not a shake
though her snoring ultimately keeps me awake
Nature's calls I hear only in the dark
as a pack of stray dogs decide to bark
and it really begins to cross the line
when a tiny black thing comes to me to whine
But what really, truly disturbs me the most
is when scary thoughts materialize like a ghost
replaying every horror movie I have ever seen
and leaving behind a face of dull green
Yet the moment I let the window close
time seems to have stopped or froze
and the moment I tell myself not to think
it becomes even harder for me to blink
So the moment I reverse what I had just did
I realize, I don't want noise to get rid
So instead, I gaze at the ceiling's shiny stars
wishing I could jump into the spaceship, and fly straight to mars
Where I'd set up an infinite space station
on its very surface, employing every nation,
I would take a tour around the galaxy
with nothing to hold me back, I'd be completely free
The universe would now become our own, limitless home
with rockets as vehicles, in which teenagers can roam
These delusions create warmth, and utmost bliss
and suddenly it's sleep that I start to miss
So I slowly, gradually close my eyes
while, towards the east, the sun begins to rise
that irritates me with its perpetual tick-tock
it ticks away every second, minute and hour
indicating that sunrise isn't very far
I crane my neck, to lift my head
and stare at the little girl in the next bed
nothing can rouse her, not a douse, not a shake
though her snoring ultimately keeps me awake
Nature's calls I hear only in the dark
as a pack of stray dogs decide to bark
and it really begins to cross the line
when a tiny black thing comes to me to whine
But what really, truly disturbs me the most
is when scary thoughts materialize like a ghost
replaying every horror movie I have ever seen
and leaving behind a face of dull green
Yet the moment I let the window close
time seems to have stopped or froze
and the moment I tell myself not to think
it becomes even harder for me to blink
So the moment I reverse what I had just did
I realize, I don't want noise to get rid
So instead, I gaze at the ceiling's shiny stars
wishing I could jump into the spaceship, and fly straight to mars
Where I'd set up an infinite space station
on its very surface, employing every nation,
I would take a tour around the galaxy
with nothing to hold me back, I'd be completely free
The universe would now become our own, limitless home
with rockets as vehicles, in which teenagers can roam
These delusions create warmth, and utmost bliss
and suddenly it's sleep that I start to miss
So I slowly, gradually close my eyes
while, towards the east, the sun begins to rise
Friday, June 14, 2013
Fact File: Chocolate
Most adults think that chocolate's a menace
little do they know they're wrong
for it actually helps in relieving stress
and helps us live for long
Chocolate is obtained from the cocoa bean
lowering the risk of heart disease
they are also comparatively low in caffeine
and prevent clot-like substances from clogging arteries
It actually contributes to a healthy, balanced diet
with a large-scale production of endorphins
so that you feel lively and awake, no longer quiet
and you and your friends will be alive with grins
Plus, the fat in chocolate makes you more immune,
increases resistance to all sorts of infection
though some people think that what chocolate does is ruin
and turn your health in the opposite direction
It has been concluded that pure chocolate reduces acne
and softens skin, making your face a sight
dark chocolate normally discourages tooth decay
leading to fewer cavities, and teeth more white
For those who consume 50 gm of chocolate per day
are less prone to suffering from cough and cold
and will less affected by the ultra-violet rays
whose body may have reduced the capacity to hold
Eating a bar of chocolate isn't a reason to fret
so savor each bite, do not be too hasty
give a satisfied smile, without any sign of regret
'cause to be honest, can there be anything more tasty?
For: All the chocolate-haters out there, including my dad
(All the information has been obtained from an encyclopedia)
little do they know they're wrong
for it actually helps in relieving stress
and helps us live for long
Chocolate is obtained from the cocoa bean
lowering the risk of heart disease
they are also comparatively low in caffeine
and prevent clot-like substances from clogging arteries
It actually contributes to a healthy, balanced diet
with a large-scale production of endorphins
so that you feel lively and awake, no longer quiet
and you and your friends will be alive with grins
Plus, the fat in chocolate makes you more immune,
increases resistance to all sorts of infection
though some people think that what chocolate does is ruin
and turn your health in the opposite direction
It has been concluded that pure chocolate reduces acne
and softens skin, making your face a sight
dark chocolate normally discourages tooth decay
leading to fewer cavities, and teeth more white
For those who consume 50 gm of chocolate per day
are less prone to suffering from cough and cold
and will less affected by the ultra-violet rays
whose body may have reduced the capacity to hold
Eating a bar of chocolate isn't a reason to fret
so savor each bite, do not be too hasty
give a satisfied smile, without any sign of regret
'cause to be honest, can there be anything more tasty?
For: All the chocolate-haters out there, including my dad
(All the information has been obtained from an encyclopedia)
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Wonders of Neptune
In terms of planets, there are very few
whose color is more striking than sapphire blue
after it is named the mighty Greek god Poseidon
his lieutenants include the moons Nereid and Triton
Though its appearance constantly changes,
with its climate there is a fixed norm
with a violent weather, freezing winds
and battles raging against the storm
over its surface are scattered wispy, white clouds
but its authentic nature, they do not shroud
Huge, water planet with a bright blue atmosphere
consisting of hydrogen and methane, it is anything but clear
its rings are settled particles of dust
created by the planet's never ending gusts
but what makes this body especially famous
is the fact that its power can pull Uranus
this was how people knew that this planet could exist
as there was a proximate force impossible for Uranus to resist
what makes the planet's mysteries grow
is the fact that condensation brings about pink snow
at zero degrees Kelvin, motion itself will pause
several theories have been made, hypotheses, other laws
This planet and its moons are only a few degrees more warm
they don't, somehow, cease to exist, given their structure and form
A place that I pray will become accessible very, very soon,
so that people can revitalize the glorious charm of Neptune
whose color is more striking than sapphire blue
after it is named the mighty Greek god Poseidon
his lieutenants include the moons Nereid and Triton
Though its appearance constantly changes,
with its climate there is a fixed norm
with a violent weather, freezing winds
and battles raging against the storm
over its surface are scattered wispy, white clouds
but its authentic nature, they do not shroud
Huge, water planet with a bright blue atmosphere
consisting of hydrogen and methane, it is anything but clear
its rings are settled particles of dust
created by the planet's never ending gusts
but what makes this body especially famous
is the fact that its power can pull Uranus
this was how people knew that this planet could exist
as there was a proximate force impossible for Uranus to resist
what makes the planet's mysteries grow
is the fact that condensation brings about pink snow
at zero degrees Kelvin, motion itself will pause
several theories have been made, hypotheses, other laws
This planet and its moons are only a few degrees more warm
they don't, somehow, cease to exist, given their structure and form
A place that I pray will become accessible very, very soon,
so that people can revitalize the glorious charm of Neptune
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Cutting Loose
What better a way to welcome the gale
then to harness the wind and parasail?
where you're fastened to colorful parachute
at the rear of the motorboat lies its root
where you can finally appreciate the ocean's waves
as you pass by dark, sinister caves
where you can detect a faint saltiness on your tongue
fresh, pollution-free air will fill each lung
when the world transforms into sunset and blue
that clash together to form multicolored hues
where people appear as hundreds of pinpricks
and the rain forest seems to be made of stiff, green sticks
when you now realize the sheer vastness of the sea
a self-governing system, all components are free
until there's that sudden, sickening jolt in your heart
awakening you from your torpor, an ideal jump start
when you understand you're beginning the descent
from the proximity of human voices, a clear message is sent
when you focus your view on the narrow strip of beach
you think you can touch it, yet it's so out of reach
the exact same principle follows for the stars
seeming so close, but still so far
but what if, in strength of rope, there was a dearth
thus severing your feeble connection to the Earth
you would continue to soar, continue to rise
unveiling the mysteries of the orange-tinted skies
then to harness the wind and parasail?
where you're fastened to colorful parachute
at the rear of the motorboat lies its root
where you can finally appreciate the ocean's waves
as you pass by dark, sinister caves
where you can detect a faint saltiness on your tongue
fresh, pollution-free air will fill each lung
when the world transforms into sunset and blue
that clash together to form multicolored hues
where people appear as hundreds of pinpricks
and the rain forest seems to be made of stiff, green sticks
when you now realize the sheer vastness of the sea
a self-governing system, all components are free
until there's that sudden, sickening jolt in your heart
awakening you from your torpor, an ideal jump start
when you understand you're beginning the descent
from the proximity of human voices, a clear message is sent
when you focus your view on the narrow strip of beach
you think you can touch it, yet it's so out of reach
the exact same principle follows for the stars
seeming so close, but still so far
but what if, in strength of rope, there was a dearth
thus severing your feeble connection to the Earth
you would continue to soar, continue to rise
unveiling the mysteries of the orange-tinted skies
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Harry Potter Fantasy
I wish I could be admitted to Hogwarts School,
and return to the muggle world, in which I would rule
But the best part of the trip would be the magic
and to stopper events that might turn tragic
as well as meeting every student and teacher
and experimenting with all sorts of potions and creatures
what if I met Harry Potter, with his lightning scar
that makes him shine like a movie star
or listen to Draco Malfoy rant,
gosh! He's such a sycophant
and talk to a clever know-it-all girl,
with crooked teeth and hair in curls
or witness Rubeus Hagrid with his bushy beard,
who adores animals which all students feared
as he'll make us tame a blast-ended screwt,
which he apparently thinks are super cute
and view Dumbledore give a speech, so old and wise,
with his half-moon spectacles concealing bright blue eyes
or be like Harry and ride a hippogriff,
which would pitch itself from the highest cliff
cutting a wide arc across the sky,
and providing the sensation that I can fly
and watch an event that draws every wizard and witch
as the seeker desperately tries to capture the snitch
at the end of the day, eat banquets in the hall so great
and relish on all the delicacies I just ate
but what would make me uncomfortable, the most,
would be walking right through a Hogwarts ghost
and worst of all if I run into Peeves,
so cunning and spiteful, evil schemes up his sleeve
it wouldn't be too bad if I met Nick
who is thoroughly opposed to Peeves' petty tricks
Interesting of all, would be the learning,
for example, transfiguration can be quite disconcerting
what better a way to use my skill,
than to make an empty candy box fill
or to make a lost paper materialize,
right before my very eyes
and experience Flitwick teach me charms,
which I can use to save myself from harm
and to transform things that would make me fret
into a vacuous, unnecessary threat
but what would whip me out of shape,
would be attending Potions class, headed by Snape
no more studying history and math,
thus saving me from geometry's evil wrath
no more uniforms, no need to be formal
I would wear a black cloak, that's far from normal
I'd send messages to my sister, using the owl post
to gloat about my wand, and a whole other host
but for now I'm going to continue to dream
hoping that Hogwarts lets you in at the age of fourteen
so that this prestigious school will send me a letter,
and my school syllabus will take a turn for the better
and return to the muggle world, in which I would rule
But the best part of the trip would be the magic
and to stopper events that might turn tragic
as well as meeting every student and teacher
and experimenting with all sorts of potions and creatures
what if I met Harry Potter, with his lightning scar
that makes him shine like a movie star
or listen to Draco Malfoy rant,
gosh! He's such a sycophant
and talk to a clever know-it-all girl,
with crooked teeth and hair in curls
or witness Rubeus Hagrid with his bushy beard,
who adores animals which all students feared
as he'll make us tame a blast-ended screwt,
which he apparently thinks are super cute
and view Dumbledore give a speech, so old and wise,
with his half-moon spectacles concealing bright blue eyes
or be like Harry and ride a hippogriff,
which would pitch itself from the highest cliff
cutting a wide arc across the sky,
and providing the sensation that I can fly
and watch an event that draws every wizard and witch
as the seeker desperately tries to capture the snitch
at the end of the day, eat banquets in the hall so great
and relish on all the delicacies I just ate
but what would make me uncomfortable, the most,
would be walking right through a Hogwarts ghost
and worst of all if I run into Peeves,
so cunning and spiteful, evil schemes up his sleeve
it wouldn't be too bad if I met Nick
who is thoroughly opposed to Peeves' petty tricks
Interesting of all, would be the learning,
for example, transfiguration can be quite disconcerting
what better a way to use my skill,
than to make an empty candy box fill
or to make a lost paper materialize,
right before my very eyes
and experience Flitwick teach me charms,
which I can use to save myself from harm
and to transform things that would make me fret
into a vacuous, unnecessary threat
but what would whip me out of shape,
would be attending Potions class, headed by Snape
no more studying history and math,
thus saving me from geometry's evil wrath
no more uniforms, no need to be formal
I would wear a black cloak, that's far from normal
I'd send messages to my sister, using the owl post
to gloat about my wand, and a whole other host
but for now I'm going to continue to dream
hoping that Hogwarts lets you in at the age of fourteen
so that this prestigious school will send me a letter,
and my school syllabus will take a turn for the better
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