Tuesday, September 3, 2013


The second those exquisite, attractive gates close,
all light is extinguished, the brightness and the glows
Before you know it, through darkness we hurtle,
speed exactly opposite to that of a turtle
Our vehicle takes alarming twists and curves,
simultaneously making its passengers swerve
It's impossible to  be oblivious to everyone's shouts
as we follow uncharted and unknown routes
At one point, we even travel upside-down
consequently, our thoughts are being tossed around
Our eyes are being assaulted by freezing, cool air,
while speed is loosening and tangling our hair
At another point, the cart and our heartbeat gradually begin to slow,
but the vehicle continues to rock to and fro
And all of a sudden, we're off again, and the speed has doubled
this little adventure means business- to give us trouble
Cross, we decide to finally shut tightly our eyes,
and that putting our head down low will definitely suffice
We can hear our friends screaming, smiles on their face
withstanding the ride with such good grace
Finally, finally, it slows, coming to a stop
we cautiously look up, and our ears go *pop*
We walk into the sunlight unsteadily, coming out a daze
our surroundings seem alien, yet our friends seem unfazed
Now very annoyed, we look back, and we sighed
and said to ourself- what an amazing roller coaster ride