Max rose apprehensively, and shakily made her way to the front of her class. She shuffled her weight between her two legs, and feverishly rustled the sheaf of papers she was clutching.
She cleared her throat and began.
"The topic for this term's speech is 'Earthly Mysteries and Corresponding Guesses'," she began feebly, comparing herself to her vehemently proclaiming classmates.
"Though my decision may seem like a digression," she continued, motioning towards those before her, "The term 'earthly' does not have to refer to something proximal to the Earth. It can also allude to something that the Earthly beings enjoy conjecturing about."
Emboldened by the observation that everyone sat up a little straighter, and that Mrs. Melli was listening intently, Max proceeded, heartened.
"So, after hours of deliberation- combining my innate interest for space, and childhood speculations- I have chosen my topic to be 'Our Universe'."
Cheeks flushed with excitement, Max launched into an eloquent recital of her thoughts.
"The Universe acts as a roof, a protective covering to our planet. It provides us with light during the day, and guides us at night. It provides the icy landscape with beauty- gorgeous, dancing colors. The sky depicts scenes from mythology and history. So, it would be appropriate to conclude that the Universe is as integral a part of the Earth, as the mighty oceans. Thus, its mysteries will be termed 'Earthly Mysteries'."
The class was silent, and Max's voice began resounding impressively.
"Humans are incapable of confidently concluding the precise limits to which the cosmos can extend. Scientists, and all their equipment, are just insignificant specks of knowledge and technological advancements, when placed against the backdrop of the Universe.
It is evident that we are only aware of a mere fraction of a percentage of the underlying mysteries of our distant surroundings. This is reinforced by the fact that the 'Largest Quasar Group' defies the laws of astrophysics, simply by living up to its name!
So, taking our oblivion into account, it would be fair to say that a few surmises by a curious girl will not undo anything."
Mrs. Melli was wide-eyed, stunned. Max resumed, reaching the climax of her speech.
"Could our Universe be a cell? A cell, alongside millions of others, thriving and providing life to an organism, whose size is so gargantuan, it's mind-boggling? Size is relative, so it will have no impact on that creature whatsoever.
And, this thought reminded me that cells operate in our person as well. Could these cells of ours, house a unique and dynamic universe of infinitesimally small galaxies, stars, chunks of hurtling rock, and living creatures? And, abandoning biological explanations, could an illness, minor or major, be caused by those residential organisms exploiting their surroundings, much the same way be abuse ours?"
Max paused, inhaled deeply, and continued.
"You may think that their are greater mysteries linked to the Bermuda Triangle, or the Great Pyramids of Giza, which is perhaps true. Because, for a mystery to start, there must be an object with that essence of enigma! Since our knowledge of the Universe is quite small, so are the number of questions. This simultaneously adds to our feeling of unknown.
Yet, there are so many intriguing phenomena in our own solar system- raining diamonds on Uranus and Neptune, the presence of an atmosphere on Saturn's moon- Titan, the Oort cloud- a hypothetical region of space.
I won't even dwell further from the limits of the Solar System. We all grew up learning that there are nine planets orbiting the Sun. Who's to say there aren't ten, or eleven, or twenty? It is entirely possible that another planet, its size exceeding Jupiter's, exists furtively beyond Neptune, with its complete mass shrouded by fog that bleeds into the background.
Honestly, the possibilities are endless. And I..."
Max halted suddenly, a lump in her throat. She felt rising anxiety. What if her suppositions were scoffed at?
"And come hell or high water, I intend to be a part of the group of people who unravel these mysteries.."
Max's abrupt departure took everyone by surprise. Jessie, her friend, looked at her. Her face was red and perspiring, her fingers moved impulsively. She seemed mildly abashed at having ignored the last part of her speech. But a hesitant, proud smile was etched across her face.
She clearly spoke from her heart.
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